Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Aiven is a modern fully-managed open source data platform for streaming, storing, and analyzing data on any public cloud. On Aiven Platform, you can operate your data infrastructure with a few devops tools: Aiven Console, Aiven Terraform Provider, Aiven CLI, and Aiven Operator for Kubernetes. All of them are built on an open secure powerful REST API for integration with custom tooling.
The Aiven REST API
provides programmatic access to services. To call the Aiven API, you can use either CLI tools (for example, cURL
or Aiven CLI client) or GUI tools, such as the Aiven public API Postman collection.
This Aiven API documentation will help you operate your Aiven organization, projects, or services programmatically by integrating your applications and processes with Aiven.
Aiven's APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) power its platform for data management. Aiven has a number of REST APIs that can help you build strong and robust data infrastructure for your applications.
The Aiven API is organized around core resources. Each core resource has multiple endpoints, which can be interacted with using different HTTP methods.
There are multiple ways you can interact with the Aiven API over HTTP. You can access it by sending requests from a client (for example, a web browser) to the Aiven's server. In this API reference, you'll find code examples of how to do that using cURL
and a few different client libraries (programming languages).
To send an API request, you need to specify the following:
HTTP method
Request headers
Typically, content-type
needs to be set to application/json
: content-type: application/json
. There are a few exceptions though.
Path, query, or body parameters (either required or optional).
curl --request POST \
--url{project}/vpcs \
--header 'Authorization: aivenv1 REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
"cloud_name": "string",
"network_cidr": "string",
"peering_connections": [
"peer_azure_app_id": "string",
"peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
"peer_cloud_account": "string",
"peer_region": "string",
"peer_resource_group": "string",
"peer_vpc": "string",
"user_peer_network_cidrs": [
Upon receiving and processing a request, the Aiven API returns the response status code, response headers, and a response body in the JSON
format. Response bodies include different properties, which can be either required or optional, for example, the message
property, which is an optional human-readable information on the result of the action (deleted, created, or updated).
"cloud_name": "string",
"create_time": "string",
"message": "string",
"network_cidr": "string",
"peering_connections": [
{ ... }
"pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
"project_vpc_id": "string",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"update_time": "string"
A successful API response returns an HTTP result code between 200 and 299.
Example of the created
"service": {
"service_name": "foobar",
A failed API response returns a HTTP code greater or equal to 400. Additionally, the response may return a list of errors in the response body as JSON, for example
"errors": [
"error_code": "authentication_failed",
"message": "Authentication failed",
"status": 403,
"metadata": {
"message": "Authentication failed"
For information on errors' properties and error codes, check Errors.
Check out how to start using the Aiven API either in API quick start or Your first API call.
Header should be of the format authorization: aivenv1 <TOKEN>
. Tokens can be obtained from your Aiven profile page
OAuth2 security scheme
- Provide full access to the API
- Allow enumerating and reading accounts configuration
- Allow modifying account configuration
- Provides full access to authentication related API
- Provides full access to authentication related API
- Allow reading authentication related configuration on resources (user profile, accounts)
- Allow modifying authentication related configurations on resources (user profile, accounts)
- Provide full access to billing APIs
- Allow reading billing information and configuration
- Allow writing billing configuration
- Provide full access to payment method APIs
- Allow reading the payment method configurations
- Allows writing payment method configuration
- Provide full access to private link APIs
- Allow enumerating and reading private link items and configurations
- Allow writing (creating, modifying, deleting) private link items
- Provide full access to projects APIs
- Allow enumerating projects and reading their configuration
- Allow writing (creating, modifying, deleting) projects
- Provide full access to SCIM operations
- Allow reading SCIM endpoints
- Allow writing (modifying) SCIM endpoints
- Provide full access to services APIs
- Allow enumerating services and reading their configuration
- Allow writing (creating, modifying, deleting) services
- Provide full access to static IPs APIs
- Allow enumerating and reading static IP items and configurations
- Allow writing (creating, modifying, deleting) static IP items
- Provide full access to support ticket APIs
- Allow enumerating and reading support tickets
- Allow writing (creating, modifying) support tickets
- Provide full access to user profile APIs
- Allow reading user profile and configuration
- Allow writing (modifying) user profile and configuration
When working with the Aiven API, you may encounter different error responses when you attempt to perform operations that can fail. For example, trying to enable writes for a database that has been powered off would lead to the following error response:
"errors": [
"error_code": "not_powered",
"message": "Database not powered on",
"status": 409
"message": "Database not powered on"
If a request fails with a HTTP code greater or equal to 400, it returns a list of errors in the response body as JSON. errors
objects are embedded in the failed API responses.
"errors": [
"error_code": "account_not_found",
"message": "Account does not exist",
"status": 404
"message": "Account does not exist"
In an API response, one or more errors may be included in the errors
array of objects. Each error object may contain a few properties:
(required) is an HTTP error code, which can be used to programmatically identify the error type.
<= status
< 300
means a successful request.300
<= status
<= 500
means a failed request.errors
can have the following HTTPS status codes:
(required) is human-readable information on the error.
is a machine-readable information on the error (see Error codes).
Machine-readable error_code
fields are progressively added to Aiven endpoints to allow you to identify different failure cases programmatically. Currently, the supported values are the following:
account_id required | string Account ID |
payment_method_id required | string <= 256 characters Unique identifier for a Stripe payment method |
{- "payment_method_id": "string"
{- "card": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "projects": [
- "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "cards": [
- {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
auth_token_extend_when_used | boolean Extend authentication token validity when used |
auth_token_max_age_seconds | integer [ 300 .. 1296000 ] Auth Token Max Age Seconds |
authentication_method_name required | string <= 128 characters Authentication Method Name |
authentication_method_type required | string (Authentication method type) Enum: "internal" "saml" An enumeration. |
auto_join_team_id | string <= 32 characters Automatically add users to a team, when user signs up using this authentication method |
auto_join_user_group_id | string <= 36 characters Automatically add users to a group, when user signs up using this authentication method |
Array of objects Linked Domains | |
saml_assertion_signed_enabled | boolean Set to 'true' to enable WantAssertionsSigned |
saml_authn_requests_signed_enabled | boolean Set to 'true' to enable AuthnRequestsSigned |
saml_certificate | string <= 16384 characters Identity provider's certificate |
saml_digest_algorithm | string (Digest algorithm. This is an advanced option that typically does not need to be set.) Enum: "sha1" "sha256" "sha384" "sha512" An enumeration. |
saml_entity_id | string <= 2048 characters Saml Entity ID |
object SAMLFieldMapping | |
saml_idp_login_allowed | boolean Set to 'true' to enable IdP initiated login |
saml_idp_url | string <= 2048 characters Saml Idp Url |
saml_join_groups | boolean SAML join groups enabled |
saml_requested_authn_context_enabled | boolean Set to 'false' to disable RequestedAuthnContext |
saml_signature_algorithm | string (SAMLSignatureAlgorithm) Enum: "rsa-sha1" "dsa-sha1" "rsa-sha256" "rsa-sha384" "rsa-sha512" An enumeration. |
saml_variant | string (SAMLVariant) Value: "adfs" An enumeration. |
scim_enabled | boolean SCIM enabled |
{- "auth_token_extend_when_used": true,
- "auth_token_max_age_seconds": 300,
- "authentication_method_name": "string",
- "authentication_method_type": "internal",
- "auto_join_team_id": "string",
- "auto_join_user_group_id": "string",
- "linked_domains": [
- {
- "domain_id": "string"
], - "saml_assertion_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_authn_requests_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_certificate": "string",
- "saml_digest_algorithm": "sha1",
- "saml_entity_id": "string",
- "saml_field_mapping": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "groups": "string",
- "identity": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "real_name": "string"
}, - "saml_idp_login_allowed": true,
- "saml_idp_url": "string",
- "saml_join_groups": true,
- "saml_requested_authn_context_enabled": true,
- "saml_signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha1",
- "saml_variant": "adfs",
- "scim_enabled": true
{- "authentication_method": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "auth_token_extend_when_used": true,
- "auth_token_max_age_seconds": 300,
- "authentication_method_enabled": true,
- "authentication_method_id": "string",
- "authentication_method_name": "string",
- "authentication_method_type": "internal",
- "auto_join_team_id": "string",
- "auto_join_user_group_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "delete_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "saml_acs_url": "string",
- "saml_assertion_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_authn_requests_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_cert": "adfs",
- "saml_certificate": "string",
- "saml_certificate_issuer": "string",
- "saml_certificate_not_valid_after": "string",
- "saml_certificate_not_valid_before": "string",
- "saml_certificate_subject": "string",
- "saml_digest_algorithm": "sha1",
- "saml_entity_id": "string",
- "saml_field_mapping": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "groups": "string",
- "identity": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "real_name": "string"
}, - "saml_idp_login_allowed": true,
- "saml_idp_url": "string",
- "saml_join_groups": true,
- "saml_metadata_url": "string",
- "saml_requested_authn_context_enabled": true,
- "saml_signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha1",
- "saml_sp_certificate": "string",
- "saml_variant": "adfs",
- "scim_enabled": true,
- "scim_url": "string",
- "state": "active",
- "update_time": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "authentication_methods": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "auth_token_extend_when_used": true,
- "auth_token_max_age_seconds": 300,
- "authentication_method_enabled": true,
- "authentication_method_id": "string",
- "authentication_method_name": "string",
- "authentication_method_type": "internal",
- "auto_join_team_id": "string",
- "auto_join_user_group_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "delete_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "saml_acs_url": "string",
- "saml_assertion_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_authn_requests_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_cert": "adfs",
- "saml_certificate": "string",
- "saml_certificate_issuer": "string",
- "saml_certificate_not_valid_after": "string",
- "saml_certificate_not_valid_before": "string",
- "saml_certificate_subject": "string",
- "saml_digest_algorithm": "sha1",
- "saml_entity_id": "string",
- "saml_field_mapping": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "groups": "string",
- "identity": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "real_name": "string"
}, - "saml_idp_login_allowed": true,
- "saml_idp_url": "string",
- "saml_join_groups": true,
- "saml_metadata_url": "string",
- "saml_requested_authn_context_enabled": true,
- "saml_signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha1",
- "saml_sp_certificate": "string",
- "saml_variant": "adfs",
- "scim_enabled": true,
- "scim_url": "string",
- "state": "active",
- "update_time": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
account_authentication_method_id required | string Account authentication method ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
account_authentication_method_id required | string Account authentication method ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "authentication_method": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "auth_token_extend_when_used": true,
- "auth_token_max_age_seconds": 300,
- "authentication_method_enabled": true,
- "authentication_method_id": "string",
- "authentication_method_name": "string",
- "authentication_method_type": "internal",
- "auto_join_team_id": "string",
- "auto_join_user_group_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "delete_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "saml_acs_url": "string",
- "saml_assertion_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_authn_requests_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_cert": "adfs",
- "saml_certificate": "string",
- "saml_certificate_issuer": "string",
- "saml_certificate_not_valid_after": "string",
- "saml_certificate_not_valid_before": "string",
- "saml_certificate_subject": "string",
- "saml_digest_algorithm": "sha1",
- "saml_entity_id": "string",
- "saml_field_mapping": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "groups": "string",
- "identity": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "real_name": "string"
}, - "saml_idp_login_allowed": true,
- "saml_idp_url": "string",
- "saml_join_groups": true,
- "saml_metadata_url": "string",
- "saml_requested_authn_context_enabled": true,
- "saml_signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha1",
- "saml_sp_certificate": "string",
- "saml_variant": "adfs",
- "scim_enabled": true,
- "scim_url": "string",
- "state": "active",
- "update_time": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
account_authentication_method_id required | string Account authentication method ID |
auth_token_extend_when_used | boolean Extend authentication token validity when used |
auth_token_max_age_seconds | integer [ 300 .. 1296000 ] Auth Token Max Age Seconds |
authentication_method_enabled | boolean If true, authentication method can be used to access account/projects in account. If false, authentication method can still be used to sign in |
authentication_method_name | string <= 128 characters Authentication Method Name |
auto_join_team_id | string <= 32 characters Automatically add users to a team, when user signs up using this authentication method |
auto_join_user_group_id | string <= 36 characters Automatically add users to a group, when user signs up using this authentication method |
saml_assertion_signed_enabled | boolean Set to 'true' to enable WantAssertionsSigned |
saml_authn_requests_signed_enabled | boolean Set to 'true' to enable AuthnRequestsSigned |
saml_certificate | string <= 16384 characters Identity provider's certificate |
saml_digest_algorithm | string (Digest algorithm. This is an advanced option that typically does not need to be set.) Enum: "sha1" "sha256" "sha384" "sha512" An enumeration. |
saml_entity_id | string <= 2048 characters Saml Entity ID |
object SAMLFieldMapping | |
saml_idp_login_allowed | boolean Set to 'true' to enable IdP initiated login |
saml_idp_url | string <= 2048 characters Saml Idp Url |
saml_join_groups | boolean SAML join groups enabled |
saml_requested_authn_context_enabled | boolean Set to 'false' to disable RequestedAuthnContext |
saml_signature_algorithm | string (SAMLSignatureAlgorithm) Enum: "rsa-sha1" "dsa-sha1" "rsa-sha256" "rsa-sha384" "rsa-sha512" An enumeration. |
saml_variant | string (SAMLVariant) Value: "adfs" An enumeration. |
scim_enabled | boolean SCIM enabled |
{- "auth_token_extend_when_used": true,
- "auth_token_max_age_seconds": 300,
- "authentication_method_enabled": true,
- "authentication_method_name": "string",
- "auto_join_team_id": "string",
- "auto_join_user_group_id": "string",
- "saml_assertion_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_authn_requests_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_certificate": "string",
- "saml_digest_algorithm": "sha1",
- "saml_entity_id": "string",
- "saml_field_mapping": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "groups": "string",
- "identity": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "real_name": "string"
}, - "saml_idp_login_allowed": true,
- "saml_idp_url": "string",
- "saml_join_groups": true,
- "saml_requested_authn_context_enabled": true,
- "saml_signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha1",
- "saml_variant": "adfs",
- "scim_enabled": true
{- "authentication_method": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "auth_token_extend_when_used": true,
- "auth_token_max_age_seconds": 300,
- "authentication_method_enabled": true,
- "authentication_method_id": "string",
- "authentication_method_name": "string",
- "authentication_method_type": "internal",
- "auto_join_team_id": "string",
- "auto_join_user_group_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "delete_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "saml_acs_url": "string",
- "saml_assertion_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_authn_requests_signed_enabled": true,
- "saml_cert": "adfs",
- "saml_certificate": "string",
- "saml_certificate_issuer": "string",
- "saml_certificate_not_valid_after": "string",
- "saml_certificate_not_valid_before": "string",
- "saml_certificate_subject": "string",
- "saml_digest_algorithm": "sha1",
- "saml_entity_id": "string",
- "saml_field_mapping": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "groups": "string",
- "identity": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "real_name": "string"
}, - "saml_idp_login_allowed": true,
- "saml_idp_url": "string",
- "saml_join_groups": true,
- "saml_metadata_url": "string",
- "saml_requested_authn_context_enabled": true,
- "saml_signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha1",
- "saml_sp_certificate": "string",
- "saml_variant": "adfs",
- "scim_enabled": true,
- "scim_url": "string",
- "state": "active",
- "update_time": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "account_billing_groups": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "billing_type": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "create_time": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "estimated_balance_usd": "string",
- "payment_method": "accrual",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_name required | string <= 128 characters Account name |
parent_account_id | string <= 36 characters Account ID |
primary_billing_group_id | string = 36 characters Billing group ID |
{- "account_name": "string",
- "parent_account_id": "string",
- "primary_billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
{- "account": {
- "access_source": "descendant_membership",
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "account_owner_team_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "features": { },
- "is_account_member": true,
- "is_account_owner": true,
- "organization_id": "string",
- "parent_account_id": "string",
- "primary_billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "root_account_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "accounts": [
- {
- "access_source": "descendant_membership",
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "account_owner_team_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "features": { },
- "is_account_member": true,
- "is_account_owner": true,
- "organization_id": "string",
- "parent_account_id": "string",
- "primary_billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "root_account_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "account": {
- "access_source": "descendant_membership",
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "account_owner_team_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "features": { },
- "is_account_member": true,
- "is_account_owner": true,
- "organization_id": "string",
- "parent_account_id": "string",
- "primary_billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "root_account_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
account_name | string <= 128 characters Account name |
primary_billing_group_id | string = 36 characters Billing group ID |
{- "account_name": "string",
- "primary_billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
{- "account": {
- "access_source": "descendant_membership",
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "account_owner_team_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "features": { },
- "is_account_member": true,
- "is_account_owner": true,
- "organization_id": "string",
- "parent_account_id": "string",
- "primary_billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "root_account_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "events": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "action_description": "string",
- "action_type": "string",
- "actor": "string",
- "actor_user_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "log_entry_id": 0,
- "team_id": "string"
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
parent_account_id required | string <= 36 characters Account ID |
{- "parent_account_id": "string"
{- "account": {
- "access_source": "descendant_membership",
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "account_owner_team_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "features": { },
- "is_account_member": true,
- "is_account_owner": true,
- "organization_id": "string",
- "parent_account_id": "string",
- "primary_billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "root_account_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
card_id required | string Credit card ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "projects": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "available_credits": "string",
- "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "default_cloud": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "elasticsearch": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "estimated_balance": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "features": { },
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "tenant_id": "string",
- "trial_expiration_time": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
], - "total_project_count": 0
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
project_name required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "teams": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "team_type": "admin",
- "update_time": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_name required | string <= 128 characters Team name |
{- "team_name": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "team": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "teams": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "team": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
team_name required | string <= 128 characters Team name |
{- "team_name": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "team": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "update_time": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "account_invites": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "invited_by_user_email": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
user_email required | string Email address |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
invite_verification_code required | string Verification code received via email |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "invite_details": {
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
user_id required | string User ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
email required | string <= 319 characters User email address |
{- "email": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "members": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "real_name": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
], - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
project required | string Project name |
team_type required | string Enum: "admin" "operator" "developer" "read_only" "project:integrations:read" "project:integrations:write" "project:networking:read" "project:networking:write" "project:permissions:read" "service:configuration:write" "service:logs:read" "project:services:read" "project:services:write" "project:audit_logs:read" "service:data:write" "service:secrets:read" "service:users:write" "role:services:maintenance" "role:services:recover" "organization:projects:write" "organization:billing:read" "organization:billing:write" "organization:audit_logs:read" "organization:users:write" "organization:app_users:write" "organization:groups:write" "organization:idps:write" "organization:domains:write" "organization:networking:read" "organization:networking:write" "role:organization:admin" Team type (permission level) |
{- "team_type": "admin"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
project required | string Project name |
team_type | string Enum: "admin" "operator" "developer" "read_only" "project:integrations:read" "project:integrations:write" "project:networking:read" "project:networking:write" "project:permissions:read" "service:configuration:write" "service:logs:read" "project:services:read" "project:services:write" "project:audit_logs:read" "service:data:write" "service:secrets:read" "service:users:write" "role:services:maintenance" "role:services:recover" "organization:projects:write" "organization:billing:read" "organization:billing:write" "organization:audit_logs:read" "organization:users:write" "organization:app_users:write" "organization:groups:write" "organization:idps:write" "organization:domains:write" "organization:networking:read" "organization:networking:write" "role:organization:admin" Team type (permission level) |
{- "team_type": "admin"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
team_id required | string Team ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "projects": [
- {
- "project_name": "string",
- "team_type": "admin"
account_id required | string Account ID |
user_id required | string User ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "user_projects": [
- {
- "access_type": "string",
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "member_type": "admin",
- "project_name": "string",
- "real_name": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
Teams have been deprecated and are being migrated to groups. On 2 September 2024 the Account Owners team will transition to super admin. Super admin have full access to the organization. The Account Owners and super admin are synced, so the removal of the Account Owners team will have no impact on existing permissions. From 4 November 2024 you won't be able to create new teams or update existing ones. Existing teams will be migrated to groups after this date. On 2 December 2024 all teams will be deleted and the teams feature will be completely removed.
account_id required | string Account ID |
user_id required | string User ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "teams": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string"
account_id required | string Account ID |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 500 ] Maximum number of results to return |
order_by | string Enum: "user_email:asc" "user_email:desc" "user_id:asc" "user_id:desc" "real_name:asc" "real_name:desc" Sorting criteria; desc is descending order and asc ascending |
query | string (Filter keyword) <= 128 characters Very simple filtering is used; a single word is recommended |
{- "limit": 1,
- "order_by": "user_email:asc",
- "query": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "users": [
- {
- "real_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
Creates a token for an application user.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_id required | string User ID |
description required | string <= 1000 characters Description |
extend_when_used | boolean Extend token expiration time when token is used. Only applicable if max_age_seconds is specified. |
ip_allowlist | Array of strings <= 100 items List of allowed IP ranges |
max_age_seconds | integer [ 600 .. 315360000 ] Time the token remains valid since creation (or since last use if extend_when_used is true) |
scopes | Array of strings <= 100 items Scopes this token is restricted to if specified |
{- "description": "string",
- "extend_when_used": true,
- "ip_allowlist": [
- "string"
], - "max_age_seconds": 600,
- "scopes": [
- "string"
{- "full_token": "string",
- "token_prefix": "string"
Returns a list of tokens for an application user.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_id required | string User ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "tokens": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "created_manually": true,
- "currently_active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "expiry_time": "string",
- "extend_when_used": true,
- "ip_allowlist": [
- "string"
], - "last_ip": "string",
- "last_used_time": "string",
- "last_user_agent": "string",
- "last_user_agent_human_readable": "string",
- "max_age_seconds": 600,
- "scopes": [
- "string"
], - "token_prefix": "string"
Deletes an application user's token.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_id required | string User ID |
token_prefix required | string Access token prefix |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
Creates an application user in an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
is_super_admin | boolean Alters super admin state of the organization application user |
name required | string Name |
{- "is_super_admin": true,
- "name": "string"
{- "is_super_admin": true,
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
Returns a list of application users for an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "application_users": [
- {
- "is_super_admin": true,
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
Deletes an application user.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_id required | string User ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
Gets profile information for an application user.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_id required | string User ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "is_super_admin": true,
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
Update details on an application user of the organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_id required | string User ID |
is_super_admin | boolean Alters super admin state of the organization application user |
name required | string Name |
{- "is_super_admin": true,
- "name": "string"
{- "is_super_admin": true,
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
authentication_method_id required | string Organization authentication method ID |
domain_id required | string ID of the domain |
{- "domain_id": "string"
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "organization_mismatch"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
authentication_method_id required | string Organization authentication method ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "domains": [
- {
- "challenge_token": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "domain_id": "string",
- "domain_name": "string",
- "linked_authentication_method_ids": [
- "string"
], - "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "deleted",
- "verification_type": "dns"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
authentication_method_id required | string Organization authentication method ID |
domain_id required | string ID of a domain |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "user_not_organization_admin"
account_id | string <= 36 characters Account ID |
address_lines | Array of strings <= 16 items Address lines |
billing_address_id | string <= 36 characters Address ID |
Array of objects <= 10 items List of billing groups contact email addresses | |
billing_currency | string Enum: "AUD" "CAD" "CHF" "DKK" "EUR" "GBP" "JPY" "NOK" "NZD" "SEK" "SGD" "USD" Billing currency |
Array of objects <= 10 items List of project billing email addresses | |
billing_extra_text | string <= 1000 characters Extra text to be included in all project invoices, e.g. purchase order or cost center number |
billing_group_name required | string <= 128 characters Billing group name |
card_id | string <= 64 characters Credit card ID |
city | string <= 512 characters Address city |
company | string <= 128 characters Name of a company |
copy_from_billing_group | string = 36 characters Billing group ID |
country_code | string <= 2 characters Two letter country code for billing country |
shipping_address_id | string <= 36 characters Address ID |
state | string <= 128 characters Address state or province |
vat_id | string <= 64 characters EU VAT Identification Number |
zip_code | string <= 32 characters Address zip code |
{- "account_id": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "copy_from_billing_group": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "country_code": "st",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
{- "billing_group": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "billing_type": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "create_time": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "estimated_balance_usd": "string",
- "payment_method": "accrual",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "billing_groups": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "billing_type": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "create_time": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "estimated_balance_usd": "string",
- "payment_method": "accrual",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
code required | string <= 1024 characters Credit code |
{- "code": "string"
{- "credit": {
- "code": "string",
- "expire_time": "string",
- "remaining_value": "string",
- "start_time": "string",
- "type": "discount",
- "value": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "credits": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "expire_time": "string",
- "remaining_value": "string",
- "start_time": "string",
- "type": "discount",
- "value": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "billing_group": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "billing_type": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "create_time": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "estimated_balance_usd": "string",
- "payment_method": "accrual",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
account_id | string <= 36 characters Account ID |
address_lines | Array of strings <= 16 items Address lines |
billing_address_id | string <= 36 characters Address ID |
Array of objects <= 10 items List of billing groups contact email addresses | |
billing_currency | string Enum: "AUD" "CAD" "CHF" "DKK" "EUR" "GBP" "JPY" "NOK" "NZD" "SEK" "SGD" "USD" Billing currency |
Array of objects <= 10 items List of project billing email addresses | |
billing_extra_text | string <= 1000 characters Extra text to be included in all project invoices, e.g. purchase order or cost center number |
billing_group_name | string <= 128 characters Billing group name |
card_id | string <= 64 characters Credit card ID |
city | string <= 512 characters Address city |
company | string <= 128 characters Name of a company |
country_code | string <= 2 characters Two letter country code for billing country |
shipping_address_id | string <= 36 characters Address ID |
state | string <= 128 characters Address state or province |
vat_id | string <= 64 characters EU VAT Identification Number |
zip_code | string <= 32 characters Address zip code |
{- "account_id": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
{- "billing_group": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "billing_type": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "create_time": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "estimated_balance_usd": "string",
- "payment_method": "accrual",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "events": [
- {
- "actor": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "create_time": "string",
- "event_desc": "string",
- "event_type": "string",
- "log_entry_id": 0,
- "project_id": "string",
- "project_name": "string"
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
invoice_number required | string Invoice number |
cookie required | string Download cookie signature. |
project | string Project name. Only required if the provided cookie comes from the Project Billing API. |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', qs: {cookie: 'SOME_STRING_VALUE', project: 'SOME_STRING_VALUE'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
invoice_number required | string Invoice number |
download_cookie required | string Authentication cookie for file download |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
Use GET /invoices/{invoice_number}
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
invoice_number required | string Invoice number |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "invoice": {
- "due_date": "string",
- "generated_at": "string",
- "invoice_number": "string",
- "invoice_state": "accrual",
- "local_inc_vat": "string",
- "local_vat_zero": "string"
}, - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
invoice_number required | string Invoice number |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "lines": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "commitment_name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "line_pre_discount_local": "string",
- "line_total_local": "string",
- "line_total_usd": "string",
- "line_type": "commitment_fee",
- "local_currency": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "alertmanager",
- "tags": { },
- "timestamp_begin": "string",
- "timestamp_end": "string"
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "invoices": [
- {
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "billing_group_state": "active",
- "currency": "AUD",
- "download_cookie": "string",
- "due_date": "string",
- "generated_at": "string",
- "invoice_number": "string",
- "period_begin": "string",
- "period_end": "string",
- "state": "accrual",
- "total_inc_vat": "string",
- "total_vat_zero": "string"
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "projects": [
- {
- "available_credits": "string",
- "estimated_balance": "string",
- "project_name": "string"
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
projects_names required | Array of strings [ 1 .. 1024 ] items Projects names |
{- "projects_names": [
- "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
invoice_number required | string Invoice number |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "invoice": {
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "billing_group_state": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "download_cookie": "string",
- "due_date": "string",
- "generated_at": "string",
- "invoice_number": "string",
- "period_begin": "string",
- "period_end": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "total_inc_vat": "string",
- "total_vat_zero": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
address_lines required | Array of strings non-empty Address lines |
city required | string City |
company_name | string <= 128 characters Name of a company |
country_code required | string Country Code |
state | string <= 128 characters State |
zip_code | string <= 32 characters Zip Code |
{- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
{- "address_id": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "update_time": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "addresses": [
- {
- "address_id": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "update_time": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
address_id required | string Address id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
address_id required | string Address id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "address_id": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "update_time": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
address_id required | string Address id |
address_lines | Array of strings non-empty Address Lines |
city | string City |
company_name | string <= 128 characters Name of a company |
country_code | string Country Code |
state | string <= 128 characters State |
zip_code | string <= 32 characters Zip Code |
{- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
{- "address_id": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "update_time": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = {method: 'GET', url: ''}; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "geo_latitude": 0,
- "geo_longitude": 0,
- "geo_region": "string",
- "provider": "string",
- "provider_description": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Returns a list of cloud platforms available for a project.
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "geo_latitude": 0,
- "geo_longitude": 0,
- "geo_region": "string",
- "provider": "string",
- "provider_description": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Returns a list of cloud platforms supporting privatelink along with privatelink costs for specific cloud platforms.
tenant required | string Aiven tenant ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "privatelink_availability": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "price_usd": "string"
Returns a list of cloud platforms supporting static IP addresses along with static IP addresses costs for specific cloud platforms.
tenant required | string Aiven tenant ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "static_ip_address_availability": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "price_usd": "string"
Creates a new domain in an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
domain_name required | string Name of the domain to be added |
verification_type | string (Type of verification to be made) Enum: "dns" "http" An enumeration. |
{- "domain_name": "string",
- "verification_type": "dns"
{- "challenge_token": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "domain_id": "string",
- "domain_name": "string",
- "linked_authentication_method_ids": [
- "string"
], - "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "deleted",
- "verification_type": "dns"
Returns a list of all verified domains in an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "domains": [
- {
- "challenge_token": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "domain_id": "string",
- "domain_name": "string",
- "linked_authentication_method_ids": [
- "string"
], - "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "deleted",
- "verification_type": "dns"
Updates a domain in an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
domain_id required | string ID of a domain |
verification_type | string (OrganizationDomainVerificationType) Enum: "dns" "http" An enumeration. |
{- "verification_type": "dns"
{- "challenge_token": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "domain_id": "string",
- "domain_name": "string",
- "linked_authentication_method_ids": [
- "string"
], - "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "deleted",
- "verification_type": "dns"
Deletes a domain from an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
domain_id required | string ID of a domain |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
Verifies a domain in an organization. If a user signs up to the Aiven platform with a verified domain, they are automatically added as managed users to the organization that has this domain verified.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
domain_id required | string ID of a domain |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "challenge_token": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "domain_id": "string",
- "domain_name": "string",
- "linked_authentication_method_ids": [
- "string"
], - "organization_id": "string",
- "state": "deleted",
- "verification_type": "dns"
Create a new user group in an organization
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
description required | string <= 4096 characters Description |
user_group_name required | string <= 128 characters User Group Name |
{- "description": "string",
- "user_group_name": "string"
{- "create_time": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_group_id": "string",
- "user_group_name": "string"
List all user groups within an organization
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "user_groups": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "member_count": 0,
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_group_id": "string",
- "user_group_name": "string"
Delete a user group from an organization
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_group_id required | string ID of the user group |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "resource_managed_by_scim"
Retrieve the details of a user group
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_group_id required | string ID of the user group |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "create_time": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_group_id": "string",
- "user_group_name": "string"
Update details of a user group
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_group_id required | string ID of the user group |
description | string <= 4096 characters Description |
user_group_name | string <= 128 characters User Group Name |
{- "description": "string",
- "user_group_name": "string"
{- "create_time": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_group_id": "string",
- "user_group_name": "string"
List members of a user group
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_group_id required | string ID of the user group |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "members": [
- {
- "last_activity_time": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "user_info": {
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "is_application_user": true,
- "job_title": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "managing_organization_id": "string",
- "real_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
Add or remove members of a user group
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_group_id required | string ID of the user group |
member_ids required | Array of strings <= 1024 items List of user IDs to apply the operation on |
operation required | string (Operation to be performed on the group) Enum: "add_members" "remove_members" An enumeration. |
{- "member_ids": [
- "string"
], - "operation": "add_members"
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "resource_managed_by_scim"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
billing_address_id required | string <= 36 characters Billing address ID |
required | Array of objects List of billing contact emails |
billing_currency | string (Billing currency) Enum: "AUD" "CAD" "CHF" "DKK" "EUR" "GBP" "JPY" "NOK" "NZD" "SEK" "SGD" "USD" Acceptable currencies for a billing group. |
required | Array of objects List of billing contact emails |
billing_group_name required | string <= 128 characters Billing Group Name |
custom_invoice_text | string <= 254 characters Extra billing text |
payment_method_id | string Payment method ID |
shipping_address_id required | string <= 36 characters Shipping address ID |
vat_id | string VAT ID |
{- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_group_name": "string",
- "custom_invoice_text": "string",
- "payment_method_id": "string",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "vat_id": "string"
{- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_group_id": "string",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "custom_invoice_text": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method_id": "string",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "vat_id": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "billing_group_not_found"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_group_id": "string",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "custom_invoice_text": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method_id": "string",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "vat_id": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
billing_group_id required | string Billing group id |
billing_address_id | string <= 36 characters Billing address ID |
required | Array of objects List of billing contact emails |
billing_currency required | string (Billing currency) Enum: "AUD" "CAD" "CHF" "DKK" "EUR" "GBP" "JPY" "NOK" "NZD" "SEK" "SGD" "USD" Acceptable currencies for a billing group. |
required | Array of objects List of billing contact emails |
billing_group_name required | string <= 128 characters Billing Group Name |
custom_invoice_text | string <= 254 characters Extra billing text |
payment_method_id | string Payment method ID |
shipping_address_id | string <= 36 characters Shipping address ID |
vat_id | string VAT ID |
{- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_group_name": "string",
- "custom_invoice_text": "string",
- "payment_method_id": "string",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "vat_id": "string"
{- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_group_id": "string",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "custom_invoice_text": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method_id": "string",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "vat_id": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "billing_groups": [
- {
- "billing_address_id": "string",
- "billing_contact_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_group_id": "string",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "custom_invoice_text": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method_id": "string",
- "shipping_address_id": "string",
- "vat_id": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
List clouds available for creating organization VPCs in this organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "geo_latitude": 0,
- "geo_longitude": 0,
- "geo_region": "string",
- "provider": "string",
- "provider_description": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Creates an organization VPC. This requires the manage-organization-networking permissions and can be also achieved using the Aiven Console, the Aiven CLI, or the Aiven Terraform Provider.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
required | Array of objects = 1 items Clouds to create this VPC in |
required | Array of objects <= 128 items List of peering connection requests for the VPC |
{- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string"
], - "peering_connections": [
- {
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
{- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
], - "pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Lists organization VPCs in an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "vpcs": [
- {
- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Deletes an organization VPC. This requires removing all services from the VCP before deleting it. To remove the services from the VCP, either migrate them out of the VCP or delete them. Deleting the organization VPC terminates its peering connections, if any.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
organization_vpc_id required | string Organization VPC ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
], - "pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Retrieves information about an organization VPC. This requires an organization ID and an organization VPC ID, which you can find in the Aiven Console or using the Aiven API or CLI to list your organizations or VPCs.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
organization_vpc_id required | string Organization VPC ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
], - "pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Creates a peering connection for an organization VPC. This requires the manage-organization-networking permissions and two VPCs to peer: one in Aiven and one in your cloud account (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, or UpCloud).
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
organization_vpc_id required | string Organization VPC ID |
peer_azure_app_id | string <= 1024 characters Azure app registration id in UUID4 form that is allowed to create a peering to the peer vnet |
peer_azure_tenant_id | string <= 1024 characters Azure tenant id in UUID4 form |
peer_cloud_account required | string <= 1024 characters AWS account ID, GCP project ID, Azure subscription ID of the peered VPC, or string "upcloud" for UpCloud peering connections |
peer_region | string <= 1024 characters The peer VPC's region on AWS. May be omitted or set to null if the peer is in the same region as the Aiven project VPC. Omit or set to null on GCP, Azure, or UpCloud. |
peer_resource_group | string <= 1024 characters Azure resource group name of the peered VPC |
peer_vpc required | string <= 1024 characters AWS VPC ID, GCP VPC network name, Azure Virtual network name of the peered VPC, or UpCloud VPC ID |
user_peer_network_cidrs | Array of strings <= 128 items List of private IPv4 ranges to route through the peering connection |
{- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
{- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Deletes a peering connection between an Aiven organization VPC and a VPC in your cloud account (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, or UpCloud). This results in terminating all the traffic between the VPCs.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
organization_vpc_id required | string Organization VPC ID |
peering_connection_id required | string Organization peering connection ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Updates user peer network CIDRS of an organization VPC peering connection.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
organization_vpc_id required | string Organization VPC ID |
peering_connection_id required | string Organization peering connection ID |
Array of objects <= 128 items CIDRs to add using a specific peering connection | |
delete | Array of strings <= 128 items Network CIDRs to remove from the VPC's peering connections' user_peer_network_cidrs |
{- "add": [
- {
- "cidr": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string"
], - "delete": [
- "string"
{- "clouds": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
], - "pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Lists peering connection types available for VPCs in the organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "vpc_peering_connection_types": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "price_usd": "string",
- "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
Retrieve current authentication configuration for an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "oauth_enabled": true,
- "password_auth_enabled": true,
- "personal_tokens_enabled": true,
- "personal_tokens_require_allowed_auth_method": true,
- "saml_allow_external": true,
- "saml_enabled": true,
- "two_factor_required": true
Update current authentication configuration for an organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
oauth_enabled | boolean Organization users are able to use OAuth authentication. |
password_auth_enabled | boolean Organization users are able to use password authentication. |
personal_tokens_enabled | boolean Organization users can use their personal tokens to access the organization through the Aiven API or other applications. |
personal_tokens_require_allowed_auth_method | boolean Organization users are able to use personal tokens that were generated from one of the allowed authentication methods. |
saml_allow_external | boolean Organization users are able to use SAML authentication of other organizations. |
saml_enabled | boolean Organization users are able to use SAML authentication. |
two_factor_required | boolean 2FA is required to access resources in this organization. |
{- "oauth_enabled": true,
- "password_auth_enabled": true,
- "personal_tokens_enabled": true,
- "personal_tokens_require_allowed_auth_method": true,
- "saml_allow_external": true,
- "saml_enabled": true,
- "two_factor_required": true
{- "oauth_enabled": true,
- "password_auth_enabled": true,
- "personal_tokens_enabled": true,
- "personal_tokens_require_allowed_auth_method": true,
- "saml_allow_external": true,
- "saml_enabled": true,
- "two_factor_required": true
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "default_governance_user_group_id": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_name": "string",
- "tier": "business",
- "update_time": "string"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
name | string <= 128 characters New name of the organization |
tier | string (New tier for the organization) Enum: "business" "personal" An enumeration. |
{- "name": "string",
- "tier": "business"
{- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "default_governance_user_group_id": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_name": "string",
- "tier": "business",
- "update_time": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
owner_user_group_id | string <= 36 characters The ID of the user group when making claim_kafka_topic request |
required | object subscription_type specific data |
subscription_name required | string Label to describe the subscription |
subscription_type required | string (Type of subscription) Value: "KAFKA" An enumeration. |
{- "owner_user_group_id": "string",
- "subscription_data": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "operation": "Read",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Topic"
], - "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "username": "string"
}, - "subscription_name": "string",
- "subscription_type": "KAFKA"
{- "subscription": {
- "create_time": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "owner_user_group_id": "string",
- "subscription_data": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "Read",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Topic"
], - "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "username": "string"
}, - "subscription_id": "string",
- "subscription_name": "string",
- "subscription_type": "KAFKA"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
cursor | string Pagination cursor |
limit | integer [ 30 .. 999 ] Limit results to this number |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', qs: {cursor: 'SOME_STRING_VALUE', limit: 'SOME_INTEGER_VALUE'}, headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "first": "string",
- "last": "string",
- "next": "string",
- "prev": "string",
- "subscriptions": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "owner_user_group_id": "string",
- "subscription_data": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "Read",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Topic"
], - "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "username": "string"
}, - "subscription_id": "string",
- "subscription_name": "string",
- "subscription_type": "KAFKA"
], - "total_count": 0
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
subscription_id required | string Subscription Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "credentials": {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_key": "string",
- "password": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
subscription_id required | string Subscription Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "subscription_id": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
subscription_id required | string Subscription Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "subscription": {
- "create_time": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "owner_user_group_id": "string",
- "subscription_data": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "Read",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Topic"
], - "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "username": "string"
}, - "subscription_id": "string",
- "subscription_name": "string",
- "subscription_type": "KAFKA"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
billing_group_id required | string Billing group ID to assign to the project. |
parent_id | string Organization or unit ID to where to move the project |
project_id required | string Project ID |
required | object Tags |
Array of objects Technical contact emails |
{- "billing_group_id": "string",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "project_id": "string",
- "tags": {
- "ANY": "string"
}, - "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
{- "account_id": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "ANY": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "features": {
- "ANY": true
}, - "organization_id": "string",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "project_id": "string",
- "tags": {
- "ANY": "string"
}, - "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "projects": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "ANY": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "parent_id": "string",
- "project_id": "string",
- "tags": {
- "ANY": "string"
}, - "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "total_project_count": 0
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
project_id required | string Project Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "user_not_organization_admin"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
project_id required | string Project Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "account_id": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "ANY": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "features": {
- "ANY": true
}, - "organization_id": "string",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "project_id": "string",
- "tags": {
- "ANY": "string"
}, - "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Moving a project to a different unit requires organization admin privileges (role:organization:admin). Moving to a different organization requires admin privileges in both organizations.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
project_id required | string Project Id |
billing_group_id | string Billing group ID to assign to the project. It's required when moving projects between organizations |
parent_id | string Organization or unit ID to where to move the project |
project_id | string New Project ID |
object Tags | |
Array of objects Technical contact emails |
{- "billing_group_id": "string",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "project_id": "string",
- "tags": {
- "ANY": "string"
}, - "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
{- "account_id": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "ANY": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "features": {
- "ANY": true
}, - "organization_id": "string",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "project_id": "string",
- "tags": {
- "ANY": "string"
}, - "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_email required | string Email address |
action | string Value: "accept" Action to be performed on the invitation |
{- "action": "accept"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_email required | string Email address |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "invitations": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "expiry_time": "string",
- "invited_by": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
user_email required | string User Email |
{- "user_email": "string"
organization_name required | string <= 128 characters Organization's name |
primary_billing_group_id | string = 36 characters Billing group ID |
tier required | string (Tier of the organization) Enum: "business" "personal" An enumeration. |
{- "organization_name": "string",
- "primary_billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "tier": "business"
{- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "default_governance_user_group_id": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_name": "string",
- "tier": "business",
- "update_time": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "organizations": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "default_governance_user_group_id": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "organization_name": "string",
- "tier": "business",
- "update_time": "string"
stripe_token required | string <= 256 characters Credit card Stripe token |
{- "stripe_token": "string"
{- "card": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "projects": [
- "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "cards": [
- {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "projects": [
- "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
card_id required | string Credit card ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
card_id required | string Credit card ID |
exp_month | integer [ 1 .. 12 ] Expiration month |
exp_year | integer [ 2015 .. 2100 ] Expiration year |
name | string <= 256 characters Name on the credit card |
{- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "name": "string"
{- "card": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "projects": [
- "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Returns a list of permissions for a resource.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
resource_type required | string Enum: "project" "organization" "organization_unit" Resource type |
resource_id required | string Resource Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "permissions": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "permissions": [
- "string"
], - "principal_id": "string",
- "principal_type": "user",
- "update_time": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Replaces permissions for a resource. The entries entry provided in the request body are applied, replacing all the previously defined permissions defined on the specified resource. Updates are not atomic (changes are computed and each are individually applied); if an error occurs, permissions may have been partially updated. They are however idempotent, so in case of transient errors it is possible to simply retry the request.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
resource_type required | string Enum: "project" "organization" "organization_unit" Resource type |
resource_id required | string Resource Id |
required | Array of objects List of roles to set |
{- "permissions": [
- {
- "permissions": [
- "string"
], - "principal_id": "string",
- "principal_type": "user"
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "unsupported_resource_type"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Updates permissions for a resource. Each entry provided in the request body is applied, replacing the previous assignment for the target principal. To remove permission assignments an entry with an empty set of permissions must be provided. Updates are not atomic (each entry is individually applied); if an error occurs, permissions may have been partially updated. They are however idempotent, so in case of transient errors it is possible to simply retry the request.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
resource_type required | string Enum: "project" "organization" "organization_unit" Resource type |
resource_id required | string Resource Id |
operation | string (Operation to perform) Enum: "grant" "set" "revoke" An enumeration. |
required | Array of objects List of roles to adjust |
{- "operation": "grant",
- "permissions": [
- {
- "permissions": [
- "string"
], - "principal_id": "string",
- "principal_type": "user"
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "unsupported_resource_type"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "vpc_peering_connection_types": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "price_usd": "string",
- "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "alerts": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "event": "string",
- "node_name": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "severity": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id | string <= 36 characters Account ID |
add_account_owners_admin_access | boolean [DEPRECATED] If account_id is set, grant account owner team admin access to the new project. This flag is ignored, and assumed true. |
address_lines | Array of strings <= 16 items [DEPRECATED] Address lines |
base_port | integer (Base value that new services in this project will use to derive their port numbers.) [ 10000 .. 29000 ] New services in this project will use this value as a base when deriving their service port numbers. This allows new services to allocate predictable and specific service ports. If not provided during project creation a random base port is used. |
billing_address | string <= 1000 characters DEPRECATED: use split address fields like company, address_lines, zip_code, city and state instead |
billing_currency | string Enum: "AUD" "CAD" "CHF" "DKK" "EUR" "GBP" "JPY" "NOK" "NZD" "SEK" "SGD" "USD" [DEPRECATED] Billing currency |
Array of objects <= 10 items [DEPRECATED] Billing emails | |
billing_extra_text | string <= 1000 characters [DEPRECATED] Extra text to be included in all project invoices |
billing_group_id | string = 36 characters Billing group ID |
card_id | string <= 64 characters [DEPRECATED] Credit card ID |
city | string <= 512 characters [DEPRECATED] Address city |
cloud | string <= 256 characters Target cloud |
company | string <= 128 characters Name of a company |
copy_from_project | string <= 63 characters Project name from which to copy settings to the new project |
copy_tags | boolean Copy tags from the source project. If request contains additional tags, the tags copied from source are updated with them. |
country_code | string <= 2 characters [DEPRECATED] Two letter country code for billing country |
project required | string <= 63 characters Project name |
state | string <= 128 characters [DEPRECATED] Address state |
tags | object Set of resource tags |
Array of objects <= 10 items List of project tech email addresses | |
use_source_project_billing_group | boolean (Use the same billing group that is used in source project.) If set to true, use the same billing group that is used in source project. If set to false, create a copy of the billing group used in the source project with the same information. If new project is not being copied from existing one this option has no effect |
vat_id | string <= 64 characters [DEPRECATED] EU VAT identification |
zip_code | string <= 32 characters [DEPRECATED] Address zip code |
{- "account_id": "string",
- "add_account_owners_admin_access": true,
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "base_port": 10000,
- "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "card_id": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "cloud": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "copy_from_project": "string",
- "copy_tags": true,
- "country_code": "st",
- "project": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "use_source_project_billing_group": true,
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "project": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "available_credits": "string",
- "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "default_cloud": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "elasticsearch": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "estimated_balance": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "features": { },
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "tenant_id": "string",
- "trial_expiration_time": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "project_membership": {
- "ANY": "admin"
}, - "project_memberships": {
- "ANY": [
- "string"
}, - "projects": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "available_credits": "string",
- "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "default_cloud": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "elasticsearch": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "estimated_balance": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "features": { },
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "tenant_id": "string",
- "trial_expiration_time": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "project": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "available_credits": "string",
- "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "default_cloud": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "elasticsearch": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "estimated_balance": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "features": { },
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "tenant_id": "string",
- "trial_expiration_time": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
project required | string Project name |
account_id | string <= 36 characters Account ID |
add_account_owners_admin_access | boolean [DEPRECATED] If account_id is set, grant account owner team admin access to this project. This flag is ignored and assumed true. |
address_lines | Array of strings <= 16 items [DEPRECATED] Address lines |
billing_address | string <= 1000 characters DEPRECATED: use split address fields like company, address_lines, zip_code, city and state instead |
billing_currency | string Enum: "AUD" "CAD" "CHF" "DKK" "EUR" "GBP" "JPY" "NOK" "NZD" "SEK" "SGD" "USD" [DEPRECATED] Billing currency |
Array of objects <= 10 items [DEPRECATED] List of project billing email addresses | |
billing_extra_text | string <= 1000 characters [DEPRECATED] Extra text to be included in all project invoices, e.g. purchase order or cost center number |
billing_group_id | string = 36 characters Billing group ID |
card_id | string <= 64 characters [DEPRECATED] Credit card ID |
city | string <= 512 characters [DEPRECATED] Address city |
cloud | string <= 256 characters Target cloud |
company | string <= 128 characters Name of a company |
country_code | string <= 2 characters [DEPRECATED] Two letter country code for billing country |
project_name | string <= 63 characters Project name |
state | string <= 128 characters [DEPRECATED] Address state |
tags | object Set of resource tags |
Array of objects <= 10 items List of project tech email addresses | |
vat_id | string <= 64 characters [DEPRECATED] EU VAT Identification Number |
zip_code | string <= 32 characters [DEPRECATED] Address zip code |
{- "account_id": "string",
- "add_account_owners_admin_access": true,
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "card_id": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "cloud": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "project_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "project": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "address_lines": [
- "string"
], - "available_credits": "string",
- "billing_address": "string",
- "billing_currency": "AUD",
- "billing_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "billing_extra_text": "string",
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "card_info": {
- "brand": "string",
- "card_id": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2015,
- "last4": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "default_cloud": "string",
- "end_of_life_extension": {
- "elasticsearch": {
- "eol_date": "string",
- "version": "string"
}, - "estimated_balance": "string",
- "estimated_balance_local": "string",
- "features": { },
- "organization_id": "string",
- "payment_method": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "tenant_id": "string",
- "trial_expiration_time": "string",
- "vat_id": "string",
- "zip_code": "string"
project required | string Project name |
file_format required | string of the SBOM report |
download_cookie required | string Authentication cookie for file download |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
project required | string Project name |
file_format required | string of the SBOM report |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "download_url": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "events": [
- {
- "actor": "string",
- "event_desc": "string",
- "event_type": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "time": "string"
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
member_type | string Enum: "admin" "developer" "operator" "organization:app_users:write" "organization:audit_logs:read" "organization:billing:read" "organization:billing:write" "organization:domains:write" "organization:groups:write" "organization:idps:write" "organization:networking:read" "organization:networking:write" "organization:projects:write" "organization:users:write" "project:audit_logs:read" "project:integrations:read" "project:integrations:write" "project:networking:read" "project:networking:write" "project:permissions:read" "project:services:read" "project:services:write" "read_only" "role:organization:admin" "role:services:maintenance" "role:services:recover" "service:configuration:write" "service:data:write" "service:logs:read" "service:secrets:read" "service:users:write" Project member type |
user_email required | string <= 319 characters User email address |
{- "member_type": "admin",
- "user_email": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
invite_verification_code required | string Verification code received via email |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "invite_details": {
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
invited_email required | string Email address of user to be invited |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "privatelink_availability": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "price_usd": "string"
Returns a list of the plans available for a service type.
project required | string Project name |
service_type required | string Service type |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "node_count": 1,
- "regions": { },
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
Returns pricing information for a service plan.
project required | string Project name |
service_type required | string Service type |
service_plan required | string Service plan |
cloud required | string Cloud |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "base_price_usd": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "extra_disk_price_per_gb_usd": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "object_storage_gb_price_usd": "string",
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string"
Returns information about a plan for a service type such as the disk storage and backup configuration.
project required | string Project name |
service_type required | string Service type |
service_plan required | string Service plan |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "disk_space_cap_mb": 0,
- "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "disk_space_step_mb": 10240,
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "message": "string",
- "node_count": 1,
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
Returns the configuration options for a service type.
project required | string Project name |
service_type required | string Service type |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "latest_available_version": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
Returns a list of all available service types and their configuration options.
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "alloydbomni": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "cassandra": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "clickhouse": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "dragonfly": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "elasticsearch": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "flink": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "grafana": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "influxdb": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "kafka": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "kafka_connect": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "kafka_mirrormaker": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "m3aggregator": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "m3db": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "message": "string",
- "mysql": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "opensearch": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "pg": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "redis": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "thanos": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "valkey": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "tags": { }
project required | string Project name |
tags required | object Set of resource tags |
{- "tags": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
tags required | object Set of resource tags |
{- "tags": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "group_users": [
- {
- "member_type": "admin",
- "real_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_group_id": "string"
], - "invitations": [
- {
- "invite_time": "string",
- "invited_user_email": "string",
- "inviting_user_email": "string",
- "member_type": "admin"
], - "message": "string",
- "users": [
- {
- "auth": [
- "string"
], - "billing_contact": true,
- "create_time": "string",
- "member_type": "admin",
- "real_name": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
project required | string Project name |
user_email required | string Email address |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
user_email required | string Email address |
member_type required | string Enum: "admin" "developer" "operator" "organization:app_users:write" "organization:audit_logs:read" "organization:billing:read" "organization:billing:write" "organization:domains:write" "organization:groups:write" "organization:idps:write" "organization:networking:read" "organization:networking:write" "organization:projects:write" "organization:users:write" "project:audit_logs:read" "project:integrations:read" "project:integrations:write" "project:networking:read" "project:networking:write" "project:permissions:read" "project:services:read" "project:services:write" "read_only" "role:organization:admin" "role:services:maintenance" "role:services:recover" "service:configuration:write" "service:data:write" "service:logs:read" "service:secrets:read" "service:users:write" Project member type |
{- "member_type": "admin"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
cloud_name required | string <= 256 characters Target cloud |
network_cidr required | string <= 18 characters IPv4 network range CIDR |
required | Array of objects <= 128 items List of peering connection requests for the VPC |
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
], - "pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "vpcs": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
project required | string Project name |
project_vpc_id required | string Project VPC ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
], - "pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
project required | string Project name |
project_vpc_id required | string Project VPC ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
], - "pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
project required | string Project name |
project_vpc_id required | string Project VPC ID |
peer_azure_app_id | string <= 1024 characters Azure app registration id in UUID4 form that is allowed to create a peering to the peer vnet |
peer_azure_tenant_id | string <= 1024 characters Azure tenant id in UUID4 form |
peer_cloud_account required | string <= 1024 characters AWS account ID, GCP project ID, Azure subscription ID of the peered VPC, or string "upcloud" for UpCloud peering connections |
peer_region | string <= 1024 characters The peer VPC's region on AWS. May be omitted or set to null if the peer is in the same region as the Aiven project VPC. Omit or set to null on GCP, Azure, or UpCloud. |
peer_resource_group | string <= 1024 characters Azure resource group name of the peered VPC |
peer_vpc required | string <= 1024 characters AWS VPC ID, GCP VPC network name, Azure Virtual network name of the peered VPC, or UpCloud VPC ID |
user_peer_network_cidrs | Array of strings <= 128 items List of private IPv4 ranges to route through the peering connection |
{- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
{- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
project required | string Project name |
project_vpc_id required | string Project VPC ID |
peer_cloud_account required | string AWS account ID, Google project name, Azure subscription ID, or string "upcloud" for UpCloud peering connections |
peer_vpc required | string AWS VPC-ID, Google network name, Azure VNet name, or UpCloud VPC ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
project required | string Project name |
project_vpc_id required | string Project VPC ID |
Array of objects <= 128 items CIDRs to add using a specific peering connection | |
delete | Array of strings <= 128 items Network CIDRs to remove from the VPC's peering connections' user_peer_network_cidrs |
{- "add": [
- {
- "cidr": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string"
], - "delete": [
- "string"
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "network_cidr": "string",
- "peering_connections": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
], - "pending_build_only_peering_connections": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "update_time": "string"
project required | string Project name |
project_vpc_id required | string Project VPC ID |
peer_cloud_account required | string AWS account ID, Google project name, Azure subscription ID, or string "upcloud" for UpCloud peering connections |
peer_vpc required | string AWS VPC-ID, Google network name, Azure VNet name, or UpCloud VPC ID |
peer_region required | string AWS region |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
project required | string Project name |
project_vpc_id required | string Project VPC ID |
peer_cloud_account required | string AWS account ID, Google project name, Azure subscription ID, or string "upcloud" for UpCloud peering connections |
peer_resource_group required | string Azure resource group |
peer_vpc required | string AWS VPC-ID, Google network name, Azure VNet name, or UpCloud VPC ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "create_time": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "peer_azure_app_id": "string",
- "peer_azure_tenant_id": "string",
- "peer_cloud_account": "string",
- "peer_region": "string",
- "peer_resource_group": "string",
- "peer_vpc": "string",
- "peering_connection_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "state_info": {
- "message": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "warnings": [
- {
- "conflicting_aws_account_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_id": "string",
- "conflicting_aws_vpc_peering_connection_id": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "type": "overlapping-peer-vpc-ip-ranges"
}, - "update_time": "string",
- "user_peer_network_cidrs": [
- "string"
], - "vpc_peering_connection_type": "aws-tgw-vpc-attachment"
project required | string Project name |
code required | string <= 1024 characters Credit code |
{- "code": "string"
{- "credit": {
- "code": "string",
- "expire_time": "string",
- "remaining_value": "string",
- "start_time": "string",
- "type": "discount",
- "value": "string"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "credits": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "expire_time": "string",
- "remaining_value": "string",
- "start_time": "string",
- "type": "discount",
- "value": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
invoice_number required | string Invoice number |
download_cookie required | string Authentication cookie for file download |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "invoices": [
- {
- "billing_group_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "billing_group_name": "string",
- "billing_group_state": "active",
- "currency": "AUD",
- "download_cookie": "string",
- "due_date": "string",
- "generated_at": "string",
- "invoice_number": "string",
- "period_begin": "string",
- "period_end": "string",
- "state": "accrual",
- "total_inc_vat": "string",
- "total_vat_zero": "string"
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "certificate": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Retrieve an identifier of the Google Cloud service account key registered for Aiven for AlloyDB Omni AI model integrations.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "client_email": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "private_key_id": "string"
Delete an identifier of the Google Cloud service account key from your Aiven for AlloyDB Omni service. As a consequence, you won't be able to access or use AI models with this service.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "client_email": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "private_key_id": "string"
Register an identifier of the Google Cloud service account key for Aiven for AlloyDB Omni AI model integrations.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
private_key required | string (Google Service Account Credentials) <= 4096 characters This is a JSON object with the fields documented in . |
{- "private_key": "string"
{- "client_email": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "private_key_id": "string"
Returns a list of active queries on a cluster.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "queries": [
- {
- "client_name": "string",
- "database": "string",
- "elapsed": 0,
- "query": "string",
- "user": "string"
Executes an SQL query.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
database required | string <= 250 characters Service database name |
query required | string <= 20000 characters Query |
{- "database": "string",
- "query": "string"
{- "data": [
- [ ]
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "meta": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "summary": {
- "elapsed_ns": 0,
- "read_bytes": 0,
- "read_rows": 0,
- "result_bytes": 0,
- "result_rows": 0,
- "written_bytes": 0,
- "written_rows": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
database required | string <= 40 characters Service database name |
{- "database": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "databases": [
- {
- "engine": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "required": true,
- "state": "ok"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
database required | string Database name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 100 Limit for number of results |
offset | integer >= 0 Default: 0 Offset for retrieved results based on sort order |
order_by | string Default: "total_time:desc" Enum: "calls:asc" "calls:desc" "min_time:asc" "min_time:desc" "max_time:asc" "max_time:desc" "mean_time:asc" "mean_time:desc" "p95_time:asc" "p95_time:desc" "stddev_time:asc" "stddev_time:desc" "total_time:asc" "total_time:desc" Order in which to sort retrieved results |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', qs: { limit: 'SOME_INTEGER_VALUE', offset: 'SOME_INTEGER_VALUE', order_by: 'SOME_STRING_VALUE' }, headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "queries": [
- {
- "calls": 0,
- "database": "string",
- "max_time": 0,
- "mean_time": 0,
- "min_time": 0,
- "p95_time": 0,
- "query": "string",
- "rows": 0,
- "stddev_time": 0,
- "total_time": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "current_cost": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "forecasted_cost": "string",
- "forecasted_rate": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "storage_usage_history": {
- "hourly": [
- {
- "estimated_cost": "string",
- "hour_start": "string",
- "peak_stored_bytes": 0
}, - "total_storage_usage": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
deployment_id required | string Deployment Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
deployment_id required | string Deployment Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
object Flink ApplicationVersion | |
name required | string <= 128 characters Application name |
{- "application_version": {
- "sinks": [
- {
- "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
], - "statement": "string"
}, - "name": "string"
{- "application_versions": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "sinks": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "statement": "string",
- "version": 0
], - "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "current_deployment": {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "applications": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
parallelism | integer (Flink Job parallelism) [ 1 .. 128 ] Reading of Flink parallel execution documentation is recommended before setting this value to other than 1. Please do not set this value higher than (total number of nodes x number_of_task_slots), or every new job created will fail. |
restart_enabled | boolean Specifies whether a Flink Job is restarted in case it fails |
starting_savepoint | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters Job savepoint |
version_id required | string = 36 characters ApplicationVersion ID |
{- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "deployments": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
required | Array of objects <= 64 items Sinks |
required | Array of objects <= 64 items Sources |
statement required | string (Job SQL statement) <= 50000 characters The INSERT INTO SQL statement that will be performed as a job |
{- "sinks": [
- {
- "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
], - "statement": "string"
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "sinks": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "statement": "string",
- "version": 0
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
name required | string <= 128 characters Application name |
{- "name": "string"
{- "application_versions": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "file_info": {
- "file_sha256": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstri",
- "file_size": 0,
- "file_status": "INITIAL",
- "url": "string",
- "verify_error_code": "1",
- "verify_error_message": "stringstringstri"
}, - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "version": 0
], - "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "current_deployment": {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "applications": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
entry_class | string (Entry class) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters The fully qualified name of the entry class to pass during Flink job submission through the entryClass parameter |
parallelism | integer (Flink Job parallelism) [ 1 .. 128 ] Reading of Flink parallel execution documentation is recommended before setting this value to other than 1. Please do not set this value higher than (total number of nodes x number_of_task_slots), or every new job created will fail. |
program_args | Array of strings (Program arguments) <= 32 items Arguments to pass during Flink job submission through the programArgsList parameter |
restart_enabled | boolean Specifies whether a Flink Job is restarted in case it fails |
starting_savepoint | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters Job savepoint |
version_id required | string = 36 characters ApplicationVersion ID |
{- "entry_class": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "deployments": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "file_info": {
- "file_sha256": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstri",
- "file_size": 0,
- "file_status": "INITIAL",
- "url": "string",
- "verify_error_code": "1",
- "verify_error_message": "stringstringstri"
}, - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "version": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "application_versions": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "sinks": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "statement": "string",
- "version": 0
], - "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "current_deployment": {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "application_versions": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "sinks": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "statement": "string",
- "version": 0
], - "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "current_deployment": {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
name required | string <= 128 characters Application name |
{- "name": "string"
{- "application_versions": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "sinks": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "statement": "string",
- "version": 0
], - "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "current_deployment": {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
deployment_id required | string Deployment Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
deployment_id required | string Deployment Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
application_version_id required | string ApplicationVersion Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "sinks": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "statement": "string",
- "version": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
application_version_id required | string ApplicationVersion Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "sinks": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "options": { },
- "table_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "table_name": "string"
], - "statement": "string",
- "version": 0
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "application_versions": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "file_info": {
- "file_sha256": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstri",
- "file_size": 0,
- "file_status": "INITIAL",
- "url": "string",
- "verify_error_code": "1",
- "verify_error_message": "stringstringstri"
}, - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "version": 0
], - "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "current_deployment": {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "application_versions": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "file_info": {
- "file_sha256": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstri",
- "file_size": 0,
- "file_status": "INITIAL",
- "url": "string",
- "verify_error_code": "1",
- "verify_error_message": "stringstringstri"
}, - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "version": 0
], - "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "current_deployment": {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
name required | string <= 128 characters Application name |
{- "name": "string"
{- "application_versions": [
- {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "file_info": {
- "file_sha256": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstri",
- "file_size": 0,
- "file_status": "INITIAL",
- "url": "string",
- "verify_error_code": "1",
- "verify_error_message": "stringstringstri"
}, - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "version": 0
], - "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "current_deployment": {
- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "updated_by": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
deployment_id required | string Deployment Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
deployment_id required | string Deployment Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
application_version_id required | string ApplicationVersion Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "file_info": {
- "file_sha256": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstri",
- "file_size": 0,
- "file_status": "INITIAL",
- "url": "string",
- "verify_error_code": "1",
- "verify_error_message": "stringstringstri"
}, - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "version": 0
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
application_version_id required | string ApplicationVersion Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "file_info": {
- "file_sha256": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstri",
- "file_size": 0,
- "file_status": "INITIAL",
- "url": "string",
- "verify_error_code": "1",
- "verify_error_message": "stringstringstri"
}, - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "version": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
job_id required | string Job Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "duration": 0,
- "end\-time": 0,
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "isStoppable": true,
- "jid": "string",
- "maxParallelism": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "now": 0,
- "plan": { },
- "start\-time": 0,
- "state": "INITIALIZING",
- "status\-counts": {
- "CANCELED": 0,
- "CREATED": 0,
- "FAILED": 0,
- "FINISHED": 0,
- "RUNNING": 0,
}, - "timestamps": { },
- "vertices": [
- { }
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "jobs": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING"
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "flink\-commit": "string",
- "flink\-version": "string",
- "jobs\-cancelled": 0,
- "jobs\-failed": 0,
- "jobs\-finished": 0,
- "jobs\-running": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "slots\-available": 0,
- "slots\-total": 0,
- "taskmanagers": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
deployment_id required | string Deployment Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "restart_enabled": true,
- "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
deployment_id required | string Deployment Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "created_at": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "entry_class": "string",
- "error_msg": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "job_id": "string",
- "last_savepoint": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "parallelism": 1,
- "program_args": [
- "string"
], - "starting_savepoint": "string",
- "status": "INITIALIZING",
- "version_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
application_id required | string Application Id |
required | Array of objects <= 64 items Sinks |
required | Array of objects <= 64 items Sources |
statement | string (Job SQL statement) <= 50000 characters The INSERT INTO SQL statement that will be performed as a job |
{- "sinks": [
- {
- "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring"
], - "statement": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "sinks": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "options": { },
- "position": {
- "character_number": 0,
- "end_character_number": 0,
- "end_line_number": 0,
- "line_number": 0
}, - "table_name": "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "columns": [
- {
- "data_type": "string",
- "extras": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "nullable": true,
- "watermark": "string"
], - "create_table": "string",
- "integration_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "message": "string",
- "options": { },
- "position": {
- "character_number": 0,
- "end_character_number": 0,
- "end_line_number": 0,
- "line_number": 0
}, - "table_name": "string"
], - "statement": "string",
- "statement_error": {
- "message": "string",
- "position": {
- "character_number": 0,
- "end_character_number": 0,
- "end_line_number": 0,
- "line_number": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
permission required | string Enum: "admin" "read" "readwrite" "write" Kafka permission |
topic required | string [ 1 .. 249 ] characters Topic name pattern |
username required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Username |
{- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
{- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
kafka_acl_id required | string Kafka ACL ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector.class required | string <= 1024 characters The Java class for the connector |
name required | string <= 1024 characters Unique name for the connector |
{- "connector.class": "string",
- "name": "string"
{- "connector": {
- "config": {
- "connector.class": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "plugin": {
- "author": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "deprecated": true,
- "needs_maintenance": true,
- "version": "string"
], - "class": "string",
- "docURL": "string",
- "plugin_name": "string",
- "preview": true,
- "preview_info": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "type": "sink",
- "version": "string"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "connector": "string",
- "task": 0
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "connectors": [
- {
- "config": {
- "connector.class": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "plugin": {
- "author": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "deprecated": true,
- "needs_maintenance": true,
- "version": "string"
], - "class": "string",
- "docURL": "string",
- "plugin_name": "string",
- "preview": true,
- "preview_info": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "type": "sink",
- "version": "string"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "connector": "string",
- "task": 0
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector_name required | string Connector name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector_name required | string Connector name |
connector.class required | string <= 1024 characters The Java class for the connector |
name required | string <= 1024 characters Unique name for the connector |
{- "connector.class": "string",
- "name": "string"
{- "connector": {
- "config": {
- "connector.class": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "plugin": {
- "author": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "deprecated": true,
- "needs_maintenance": true,
- "version": "string"
], - "class": "string",
- "docURL": "string",
- "plugin_name": "string",
- "preview": true,
- "preview_info": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "type": "sink",
- "version": "string"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "connector": "string",
- "task": 0
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "plugins": [
- {
- "author": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "deprecated": true,
- "needs_maintenance": true,
- "version": "string"
], - "class": "string",
- "docURL": "string",
- "plugin_name": "string",
- "preview": true,
- "preview_info": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "type": "sink",
- "version": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector_name required | string Connector name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "configuration_schema": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "display_name": "string",
- "documentation": "string",
- "group": "string",
- "importance": "LOW",
- "name": "string",
- "order": 0,
- "required": true,
- "type": "STRING",
- "width": "NONE"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector_name required | string Connector name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "status": {
- "state": "FAILED",
- "tasks": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "state": "FAILED",
- "trace": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector_name required | string Connector name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector_name required | string Connector name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector_name required | string Connector name |
task_id required | string Service task |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
connector_name required | string Connector name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
host | string [ 0 .. 256 ] characters the host or * for all hosts |
operation required | string Enum: "All" "Alter" "AlterConfigs" "ClusterAction" "Create" "CreateTokens" "Delete" "Describe" "DescribeConfigs" "DescribeTokens" "IdempotentWrite" "Read" "Write" Kafka ACL operation represents an operation which an ACL grants or denies permission to perform |
pattern_type required | string Enum: "LITERAL" "PREFIXED" Kafka ACL pattern type of resource name |
permission_type required | string Enum: "ALLOW" "DENY" Kafka ACL permission type |
principal required | string [ 0 .. 256 ] characters principal is in 'PrincipalType:name' format |
resource_name required | string [ 0 .. 256 ] characters Resource pattern used to match specified resources |
resource_type required | string Enum: "Cluster" "DelegationToken" "Group" "Topic" "TransactionalId" "User" Kafka ACL resource type represents a type of resource which an ACL can be applied to |
{- "host": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
{- "acl": {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "kafka_acl": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
kafka_acl_id required | string Kafka ACL ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
kafka_acl_id required | string Kafka ACL ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "acl": {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
client\-id | string (client-id) <= 255 characters Represents a logical group of clients, assigned a unique name by the client application. Quotas can be applied based on user, client-id, or both. The most relevant quota is chosen for each connection. All connections within a quota group share the same quota. |
consumer_byte_rate | number (consumer network throttle) [ 0 .. 1073741824 ] Defines the bandwidth limit in bytes/sec for each group of clients sharing a quota. Every distinct client group is allocated a specific quota, as defined by the cluster, on a per-broker basis. Exceeding this limit results in client throttling. |
producer_byte_rate | number (producer network throttle) [ 0 .. 1073741824 ] Defines the bandwidth limit in bytes/sec for each group of clients sharing a quota. Every distinct client group is allocated a specific quota, as defined by the cluster, on a per-broker basis. Exceeding this limit results in client throttling. |
request_percentage | number (cpu percentage throttle) [ 0 .. 100 ] Sets the maximum percentage of CPU time that a client group can use on request handler I/O and network threads per broker within a quota window. Exceeding this limit triggers throttling. The quota, expressed as a percentage, also indicates the total allowable CPU usage for the client groups sharing the quota. |
user | string (user) <= 64 characters Represents a logical group of clients, assigned a unique name by the client application. Quotas can be applied based on user, client-id, or both. The most relevant quota is chosen for each connection. All connections within a quota group share the same quota. |
{- "client\-id": "string",
- "consumer_byte_rate": 1073741824,
- "producer_byte_rate": 1073741824,
- "request_percentage": 100,
- "user": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
client-id | string Client ID. |
user | string Username. |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', qs: {'client-id': 'SOME_STRING_VALUE', user: 'SOME_STRING_VALUE'}, headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "quotas": [
- {
- "client\-id": "string",
- "consumer_byte_rate": 1073741824,
- "producer_byte_rate": 1073741824,
- "request_percentage": 100,
- "user": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
client-id | string Client ID. |
user | string Username. |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', qs: {'client-id': 'SOME_STRING_VALUE', user: 'SOME_STRING_VALUE'}, headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "quota": {
- "client\-id": "string",
- "consumer_byte_rate": 1073741824,
- "producer_byte_rate": 1073741824,
- "request_percentage": 100,
- "user": "string"
Return "400 Bad Request" if tiered storage feature is not enabled for this service. Rarely, the data may be not available. In this case, "503 Service Unavailable" is returned and the client should try later.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "storage_usage": { }
Return "400 Bad Request" if tiered storage feature is not enabled for this service. Rarely, the data may be not available. In this case, "503 Service Unavailable" is returned and the client should try later.
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "total_storage_usage": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "current_cost": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "forecasted_cost": "string",
- "forecasted_rate": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "storage_usage_history": {
- "hourly": [
- {
- "estimated_cost": "string",
- "hour_start": "string",
- "peak_stored_bytes": 0
}, - "total_storage_usage": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
cleanup_policy | string (DEPRECATED: use config.cleanup_policy) Enum: "delete" "compact" "compact,delete" The retention policy to use on old segments. Possible values include 'delete', 'compact', or a comma-separated list of them. The default policy ('delete') will discard old segments when their retention time or size limit has been reached. The 'compact' setting will enable log compaction on the topic. |
object Kafka topic configuration | |
min_insync_replicas | integer (DEPRECATED: use config.min_insync_replicas) >= 1 When a producer sets acks to 'all' (or '-1'), this configuration specifies the minimum number of replicas that must acknowledge a write for the write to be considered successful. If this minimum cannot be met, then the producer will raise an exception (either NotEnoughReplicas or NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend). When used together, min.insync.replicas and acks allow you to enforce greater durability guarantees. A typical scenario would be to create a topic with a replication factor of 3, set min.insync.replicas to 2, and produce with acks of 'all'. This will ensure that the producer raises an exception if a majority of replicas do not receive a write. |
owner_user_group_id | string [ 1 .. 36 ] characters The user group that owns this topic |
partitions | integer [ 1 .. 1000000 ] Number of partitions |
replication | integer >= 1 Number of replicas |
retention_bytes | integer (DEPRECATED: use config.retention_bytes) This configuration controls the maximum size a partition (which consists of log segments) can grow to before we will discard old log segments to free up space if we are using the 'delete' retention policy. By default there is no size limit only a time limit. Since this limit is enforced at the partition level, multiply it by the number of partitions to compute the topic retention in bytes. |
retention_hours | integer <= 2562047788015 DEPRECATED: use config.retention_ms |
Array of objects [ 0 .. 3 ] items Topic tags | |
topic_description | string [ 1 .. 256 ] characters Topic description |
topic_name required | string [ 1 .. 249 ] characters Topic name |
{- "cleanup_policy": "delete",
- "config": {
- "cleanup_policy": "delete",
- "compression_type": "snappy",
- "delete_retention_ms": 0,
- "file_delete_delay_ms": 0,
- "flush_messages": 0,
- "flush_ms": 0,
- "index_interval_bytes": 0,
- "local_retention_bytes": 0,
- "local_retention_ms": 0,
- "max_compaction_lag_ms": 0,
- "max_message_bytes": 0,
- "message_downconversion_enable": true,
- "message_format_version": "0.8.0",
- "message_timestamp_difference_max_ms": 0,
- "message_timestamp_type": "CreateTime",
- "min_cleanable_dirty_ratio": 1,
- "min_compaction_lag_ms": 0,
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "preallocate": true,
- "remote_storage_enable": true,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_ms": 0,
- "segment_bytes": 14,
- "segment_index_bytes": 0,
- "segment_jitter_ms": 0,
- "segment_ms": 1,
- "unclean_leader_election_enable": true
}, - "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "owner_user_group_id": "string",
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "tags": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "topic_description": "string",
- "topic_name": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "topics": [
- {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "owner_user_group_id": "string",
- "partitions": 1,
- "remote_storage_enable": true,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "tags": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "topic_description": "string",
- "topic_name": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
topic_name required | string Kafka topic name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
topic_name required | string Kafka topic name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "topic": {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "config": {
- "cleanup_policy": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": "string"
], - "value": "string"
}, - "compression_type": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": "string"
], - "value": "snappy"
}, - "delete_retention_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "file_delete_delay_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "flush_messages": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "flush_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "index_interval_bytes": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "local_retention_bytes": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "local_retention_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "max_compaction_lag_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "max_message_bytes": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "message_downconversion_enable": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": true
], - "value": true
}, - "message_format_version": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": "string"
], - "value": "0.8.0"
}, - "message_timestamp_difference_max_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "message_timestamp_type": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": "string"
], - "value": "CreateTime"
}, - "min_cleanable_dirty_ratio": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 1
}, - "min_compaction_lag_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "min_insync_replicas": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 1
}, - "preallocate": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": true
], - "value": true
}, - "remote_storage_enable": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": true
], - "value": true
}, - "retention_bytes": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "retention_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "segment_bytes": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 14
}, - "segment_index_bytes": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "segment_jitter_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 0
}, - "segment_ms": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": 0
], - "value": 1
}, - "unclean_leader_election_enable": {
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "synonyms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "unknown_config",
- "value": true
], - "value": true
}, - "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "owner_user_group_id": "string",
- "partitions": [
- {
- "consumer_groups": [
- {
- "group_name": "string",
- "offset": 0
], - "earliest_offset": 0,
- "isr": 0,
- "latest_offset": 0,
- "partition": 0,
- "remote_size": 0,
- "size": 0
], - "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "tags": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "topic_description": "string",
- "topic_name": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
topic_name required | string Kafka topic name |
object Kafka topic configuration | |
min_insync_replicas | integer (DEPRECATED: use config.min_insync_replicas) >= 1 When a producer sets acks to 'all' (or '-1'), this configuration specifies the minimum number of replicas that must acknowledge a write for the write to be considered successful. If this minimum cannot be met, then the producer will raise an exception (either NotEnoughReplicas or NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend). When used together, min.insync.replicas and acks allow you to enforce greater durability guarantees. A typical scenario would be to create a topic with a replication factor of 3, set min.insync.replicas to 2, and produce with acks of 'all'. This will ensure that the producer raises an exception if a majority of replicas do not receive a write. |
owner_user_group_id | string [ 1 .. 36 ] characters The user group that owns this topic |
partitions | integer [ 1 .. 1000000 ] Number of partitions |
replication | integer >= 1 Number of replicas |
retention_bytes | integer (DEPRECATED: use config.retention_bytes) This configuration controls the maximum size a partition (which consists of log segments) can grow to before we will discard old log segments to free up space if we are using the 'delete' retention policy. By default there is no size limit only a time limit. Since this limit is enforced at the partition level, multiply it by the number of partitions to compute the topic retention in bytes. |
retention_hours | integer <= 2562047788015 DEPRECATED: use config.retention_ms |
Array of objects [ 0 .. 3 ] items Topic tags | |
topic_description | string [ 1 .. 256 ] characters Topic description |
{- "config": {
- "cleanup_policy": "delete",
- "compression_type": "snappy",
- "delete_retention_ms": 0,
- "file_delete_delay_ms": 0,
- "flush_messages": 0,
- "flush_ms": 0,
- "index_interval_bytes": 0,
- "local_retention_bytes": 0,
- "local_retention_ms": 0,
- "max_compaction_lag_ms": 0,
- "max_message_bytes": 0,
- "message_downconversion_enable": true,
- "message_format_version": "0.8.0",
- "message_timestamp_difference_max_ms": 0,
- "message_timestamp_type": "CreateTime",
- "min_cleanable_dirty_ratio": 1,
- "min_compaction_lag_ms": 0,
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "preallocate": true,
- "remote_storage_enable": true,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_ms": 0,
- "segment_bytes": 14,
- "segment_index_bytes": 0,
- "segment_jitter_ms": 0,
- "segment_ms": 1,
- "unclean_leader_election_enable": true
}, - "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "owner_user_group_id": "string",
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "tags": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "topic_description": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
topic_name required | string Kafka topic name |
format | string Enum: "binary" "json" "avro" "protobuf" "jsonschema" The format of consumed messages, which is used to convert messages into a JSON-compatible form. If unspecified, defaults to binary |
max_bytes | integer [ 1024 .. 1000000000 ] The maximum number of bytes of unencoded keys and values that should be included in the response. This provides approximate control over the size of responses and the amount of memory required to store the decoded response. The actual limit will be the minimum of this setting and the server-side configuration consumer.request.max.bytes. Default is unlimited |
partitions required | object Object of desired partition / offset mappings |
timeout | integer [ 3000 .. 40000 ] The maximum total time to wait for messages for a request if the maximum request size has not yet been reached |
{- "format": "binary",
- "max_bytes": 1024,
- "partitions": { },
- "timeout": 3000
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "messages": [
- {
- "key": { },
- "offset": 0,
- "partition": 0,
- "topic": "string",
- "value": { }
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
topic_name required | string Kafka topic name |
format required | string Enum: "binary" "json" "avro" "protobuf" "jsonschema" The format of the content. |
key_schema | string [ 18 .. 2048 ] characters Full schema encoded as a string (e.g. JSON serialized for Avro data) |
key_schema_id | integer [ 1 .. 50000 ] ID returned by a previous request using the same schema. This ID corresponds to the ID of the schema in the registry. |
required | Array of objects <= 32 items List of records to produce to the topic |
value_schema | string [ 18 .. 2048 ] characters Full schema encoded as a string (e.g. JSON serialized for Avro data) |
value_schema_id | integer [ 1 .. 50000 ] ID returned by a previous request using the same schema. This ID corresponds to the ID of the schema in the registry. |
{- "format": "binary",
- "key_schema": "stringstringstring",
- "key_schema_id": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "key": { },
- "partition": 10000,
- "value": { }
], - "value_schema": "stringstringstring",
- "value_schema_id": 1
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "key_schema_id": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "offsets": [
- {
- "error": "string",
- "error_code": 0,
- "offset": 0,
- "partition": 0
], - "value_schema_id": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
permission required | string Enum: "schema_registry_read" "schema_registry_write" ACL entry for Schema Registry |
resource required | string [ 1 .. 249 ] characters Schema Registry ACL entry resource name pattern |
username required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Username |
{- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
{- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
schema_registry_acl_id required | string Kafka Schema Registry ACL ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
version_id required | string Version Id |
schema required | string <= 1048576 characters Schema |
schemaType | string Enum: "AVRO" "JSON" "PROTOBUF" Schema type |
{- "schema": "string",
- "schemaType": "AVRO"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "is_compatible": true,
- "message": "string",
- "messages": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "compatibilityLevel": "BACKWARD",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
compatibility required | string Enum: "BACKWARD" "BACKWARD_TRANSITIVE" "FORWARD" "FORWARD_TRANSITIVE" "FULL" "FULL_TRANSITIVE" "NONE" Compatibility level |
{- "compatibility": "BACKWARD"
{- "compatibility": "BACKWARD",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
schema_id required | string Schema Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "compatibilityLevel": "BACKWARD",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
compatibility required | string Enum: "BACKWARD" "BACKWARD_TRANSITIVE" "FORWARD" "FORWARD_TRANSITIVE" "FULL" "FULL_TRANSITIVE" "NONE" Compatibility level |
{- "compatibility": "BACKWARD"
{- "compatibility": "BACKWARD",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
version_id required | string Version Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
version_id required | string Version Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "version": {
- "id": 0,
- "references": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "subject": "string",
- "version": 0
], - "schema": "string",
- "schemaType": "AVRO",
- "subject": "string",
- "version": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
Array of objects <= 128 items Schema references | |
schema required | string <= 1048576 characters Schema |
schemaType | string Enum: "AVRO" "JSON" "PROTOBUF" Schema type |
{- "references": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "subject": "string",
- "version": 0
], - "schema": "string",
- "schemaType": "AVRO"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "versions": [
- 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
subject_name required | string Subject name |
version_id required | string Version Id |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "subjects": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
config_properties_exclude | string (Topic configuration properties that should not be replicated) <= 2048 characters A comma separated list of topic configuration properties and/or regexes that should not be replicated. If omitted, MirrorMaker will use default list of exclusions. For stability reasons, we always include the unclean.leader.election.enable field in the excluded parameters. If you have specific requirements for this configuration, please reach out to our support team for assistance. |
emit_backward_heartbeats_enabled | boolean (Emit backward heartbeats enabled) Whether to emit heartbeats to the direction opposite to the flow, i.e. to the source cluster |
emit_heartbeats_enabled | boolean (Emit heartbeats enabled) Whether to emit heartbeats to the target cluster |
enabled required | boolean Is replication flow enabled |
exactly_once_delivery_enabled | boolean (Enable exactly-once message delivery) Whether to enable exactly-once message delivery. We recommend you set this to enabled for new replications. |
offset_lag_max | integer (How out-of-sync a remote partition can be before it is resynced) >= 0 How out-of-sync a remote partition can be before it is resynced (default: 100) |
offset_syncs_topic_location | string (Offset syncs topic location) Enum: "source" "target" The location of the offset-syncs topic |
replication_factor | integer (Replication factor) >= 1 Replication factor used when creating the remote topics. If the replication factor surpasses the number of nodes in the target cluster, topic creation will fail. |
replication_policy_class | string (Replication policy class) Enum: "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy" "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy" Class which defines the remote topic naming convention |
source_cluster required | string (Source cluster alias) <= 128 characters The alias of the source cluster to use in this replication flow. Can contain the following symbols: ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_', and '-'. |
sync_group_offsets_enabled | boolean (Sync consumer group offsets) Whether to periodically write the translated offsets of replicated consumer groups (in the source cluster) to __consumer_offsets topic in target cluster, as long as no active consumers in that group are connected to the target cluster |
sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds | integer (Frequency of consumer group offset sync) >= 1 Frequency at which consumer group offsets are synced (default: 60, every minute) |
target_cluster required | string (Target cluster alias) <= 128 characters The alias of the target cluster to use in this replication flow. Can contain the following symbols: ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_', and '-'. |
topics | Array of strings (List of topics and/or regular expressions to replicate.) <= 8192 items Topic names and regular expressions that match topic names that should be replicated. MirrorMaker will replicate these topics if they are not matched by "topics.exclude". Currently defaults to [".*"]. |
topics.blacklist | Array of strings (List of topics and/or regular expressions to not replicate. Deprecated property, use 'topics_exclude instead'.) <= 8192 items Topic names and regular expressions that match topic names that should not be replicated. MirrorMaker will not replicate these topics even if they are matched by "topics". If not set, MM2 uses the default exclusion. |
topics.exclude | Array of strings (List of topics and/or regular expressions to not replicate. Deprecated property, use 'topics_exclude instead'.) <= 8192 items Topic names and regular expressions that match topic names that should not be replicated. MirrorMaker will not replicate these topics even if they are matched by "topics". If not set, MM2 uses the default exclusion. |
topics_exclude | Array of strings (List of topics and/or regular expressions to not replicate.) <= 8192 items Topic names and regular expressions that match topic names that should not be replicated. MirrorMaker will not replicate these topics even if they are matched by "topics". If not set, MM2 uses the default exclusion. |
{- "config_properties_exclude": "string",
- "emit_backward_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "emit_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "enabled": true,
- "exactly_once_delivery_enabled": true,
- "offset_lag_max": 0,
- "offset_syncs_topic_location": "source",
- "replication_factor": 1,
- "replication_policy_class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy",
- "source_cluster": "string",
- "sync_group_offsets_enabled": true,
- "sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds": 1,
- "target_cluster": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "topics.blacklist": [
- "string"
], - "topics.exclude": [
- "string"
], - "topics_exclude": [
- "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "replication_flows": [
- {
- "config_properties_exclude": "string",
- "emit_backward_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "emit_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "enabled": true,
- "exactly_once_delivery_enabled": true,
- "offset_lag_max": 0,
- "offset_syncs_topic_location": "source",
- "replication_factor": 1,
- "replication_policy_class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy",
- "replication_progress": 1,
- "source_cluster": "string",
- "sync_group_offsets_enabled": true,
- "sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds": 1,
- "target_cluster": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "topics.blacklist": [
- "string"
], - "topics.exclude": [
- "string"
], - "topics_exclude": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
source_cluster required | string Source cluster alias |
target_cluster required | string Target cluster alias |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
source_cluster required | string Source cluster alias |
target_cluster required | string Target cluster alias |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "replication_flow": {
- "config_properties_exclude": "string",
- "emit_backward_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "emit_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "enabled": true,
- "exactly_once_delivery_enabled": true,
- "offset_lag_max": 0,
- "offset_syncs_topic_location": "source",
- "replication_factor": 1,
- "replication_policy_class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy",
- "replication_progress": 1,
- "source_cluster": "string",
- "sync_group_offsets_enabled": true,
- "sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds": 1,
- "target_cluster": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "topics.blacklist": [
- "string"
], - "topics.exclude": [
- "string"
], - "topics_exclude": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
source_cluster required | string Source cluster alias |
target_cluster required | string Target cluster alias |
config_properties_exclude | string (Topic configuration properties that should not be replicated) <= 2048 characters A comma separated list of topic configuration properties and/or regexes that should not be replicated. If omitted, MirrorMaker will use default list of exclusions. For stability reasons, we always include the unclean.leader.election.enable field in the excluded parameters. If you have specific requirements for this configuration, please reach out to our support team for assistance. |
emit_backward_heartbeats_enabled | boolean (Emit backward heartbeats enabled) Whether to emit heartbeats to the direction opposite to the flow, i.e. to the source cluster |
emit_heartbeats_enabled | boolean (Emit heartbeats enabled) Whether to emit heartbeats to the target cluster |
enabled | boolean Is replication flow enabled |
exactly_once_delivery_enabled | boolean (Enable exactly-once message delivery) Whether to enable exactly-once message delivery. We recommend you set this to enabled for new replications. |
offset_lag_max | integer (How out-of-sync a remote partition can be before it is resynced) >= 0 How out-of-sync a remote partition can be before it is resynced (default: 100) |
offset_syncs_topic_location | string (Offset syncs topic location) Enum: "source" "target" The location of the offset-syncs topic |
replication_factor | integer (Replication factor) >= 1 Replication factor used when creating the remote topics. If the replication factor surpasses the number of nodes in the target cluster, topic creation will fail. |
replication_policy_class | string (Replication policy class) Enum: "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy" "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy" Class which defines the remote topic naming convention |
sync_group_offsets_enabled | boolean (Sync consumer group offsets) Whether to periodically write the translated offsets of replicated consumer groups (in the source cluster) to __consumer_offsets topic in target cluster, as long as no active consumers in that group are connected to the target cluster |
sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds | integer (Frequency of consumer group offset sync) >= 1 Frequency at which consumer group offsets are synced (default: 60, every minute) |
topics | Array of strings (List of topics and/or regular expressions to replicate.) <= 8192 items Topic names and regular expressions that match topic names that should be replicated. MirrorMaker will replicate these topics if they are not matched by "topics.exclude". Currently defaults to [".*"]. |
topics.blacklist | Array of strings (List of topics and/or regular expressions to not replicate. Deprecated property, use 'topics_exclude instead'.) <= 8192 items Topic names and regular expressions that match topic names that should not be replicated. MirrorMaker will not replicate these topics even if they are matched by "topics". If not set, MM2 uses the default exclusion. |
topics.exclude | Array of strings (List of topics and/or regular expressions to not replicate. Deprecated property, use 'topics_exclude instead'.) <= 8192 items Topic names and regular expressions that match topic names that should not be replicated. MirrorMaker will not replicate these topics even if they are matched by "topics". If not set, MM2 uses the default exclusion. |
topics_exclude | Array of strings (List of topics and/or regular expressions to not replicate.) <= 8192 items Topic names and regular expressions that match topic names that should not be replicated. MirrorMaker will not replicate these topics even if they are matched by "topics". If not set, MM2 uses the default exclusion. |
{- "config_properties_exclude": "string",
- "emit_backward_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "emit_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "enabled": true,
- "exactly_once_delivery_enabled": true,
- "offset_lag_max": 0,
- "offset_syncs_topic_location": "source",
- "replication_factor": 1,
- "replication_policy_class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy",
- "sync_group_offsets_enabled": true,
- "sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds": 1,
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "topics.blacklist": [
- "string"
], - "topics.exclude": [
- "string"
], - "topics_exclude": [
- "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "replication_flow": {
- "config_properties_exclude": "string",
- "emit_backward_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "emit_heartbeats_enabled": true,
- "enabled": true,
- "exactly_once_delivery_enabled": true,
- "offset_lag_max": 0,
- "offset_syncs_topic_location": "source",
- "replication_factor": 1,
- "replication_policy_class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy",
- "replication_progress": 1,
- "source_cluster": "string",
- "sync_group_offsets_enabled": true,
- "sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds": 1,
- "target_cluster": "string",
- "topics": [
- "string"
], - "topics.blacklist": [
- "string"
], - "topics.exclude": [
- "string"
], - "topics_exclude": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 5000 ] Limit for number of results |
offset | integer >= 0 Offset for retrieved results based on sort order |
order_by | string (Order in which to sort retrieved results) <= 256 characters Sort order can be either asc or desc and multiple comma separated columns with their own order can be specified: :asc,:desc. Accepted sort columns are: avg_timer_wait, count_star, digest, digest_text, first_seen, last_seen, max_timer_wait, min_timer_wait, query_sample_seen, query_sample_text, query_sample_timer_wait, quantile_95, quantile_99, quantile_999, schema_name, sum_created_tmp_disk_tables, sum_created_tmp_tables, sum_errors, sum_lock_time, sum_no_good_index_used, sum_no_index_used, sum_rows_affected, sum_rows_examined, sum_rows_sent, sum_select_full_join, sum_select_full_range_join, sum_select_range, sum_select_range_check, sum_select_scan, sum_sort_merge_passes, sum_sort_range, sum_sort_rows, sum_sort_scan, sum_timer_wait, sum_warnings |
{- "limit": 1,
- "offset": 0,
- "order_by": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "queries": [
- {
- "avg_timer_wait": 0,
- "count_star": 0,
- "digest": "string",
- "digest_text": "string",
- "first_seen": "string",
- "last_seen": "string",
- "max_timer_wait": 0,
- "min_timer_wait": 0,
- "quantile_95": 0,
- "quantile_99": 0,
- "quantile_999": 0,
- "query_sample_seen": "string",
- "query_sample_text": "string",
- "query_sample_timer_wait": "string",
- "schema_name": "string",
- "sum_created_tmp_disk_tables": 0,
- "sum_created_tmp_tables": 0,
- "sum_errors": 0,
- "sum_lock_time": 0,
- "sum_no_good_index_used": 0,
- "sum_no_index_used": 0,
- "sum_rows_affected": 0,
- "sum_rows_examined": 0,
- "sum_rows_sent": 0,
- "sum_select_full_join": 0,
- "sum_select_full_range_join": 0,
- "sum_select_range": 0,
- "sum_select_range_check": 0,
- "sum_select_scan": 0,
- "sum_sort_merge_passes": 0,
- "sum_sort_range": 0,
- "sum_sort_rows": 0,
- "sum_sort_scan": 0,
- "sum_timer_wait": 0,
- "sum_warnings": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "elasticsearch_version": "7",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "opensearch_acl_config": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "rules": [
- {
- "index": "string",
- "permission": "deny"
], - "username": "string"
], - "enabled": true
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
elasticsearch_version | string Enum: "7" "1" "2" Elasticsearch major version |
required | object OpenSearch ACL configuration |
{- "elasticsearch_version": "7",
- "opensearch_acl_config": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "rules": [
- {
- "index": "string",
- "permission": "deny"
], - "username": "string"
], - "enabled": true
{- "elasticsearch_version": "7",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "opensearch_acl_config": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "rules": [
- {
- "index": "string",
- "permission": "deny"
], - "username": "string"
], - "enabled": true
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
elasticsearch_version | string Enum: "7" "1" "2" Elasticsearch major version |
required | object OpenSearch ACL configuration |
{- "elasticsearch_version": "7",
- "opensearch_acl_config": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "rules": [
- {
- "index": "string",
- "permission": "deny"
], - "username": "string"
], - "enabled": true
{- "elasticsearch_version": "7",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "opensearch_acl_config": {
- "acls": [
- {
- "rules": [
- {
- "index": "string",
- "permission": "deny"
], - "username": "string"
], - "enabled": true
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
index_name required | string OpenSearch index name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "indexes": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "docs": 0,
- "health": "green",
- "index_name": "string",
- "number_of_replicas": 0,
- "number_of_shards": 1,
- "read_only_allow_delete": true,
- "replication": {
- "leader_index": "string",
- "leader_project": "string",
- "leader_service": "string"
}, - "size": 0,
- "status": "unknown"
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "security_plugin_admin_enabled": true,
- "security_plugin_available": true,
- "security_plugin_enabled": true
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
admin_password required | string [ 8 .. 256 ] characters Current os-sec-admin password |
new_password required | string [ 8 .. 256 ] characters New os-sec-admin password |
{- "admin_password": "stringst",
- "new_password": "stringst"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "security_plugin_admin_enabled": true,
- "security_plugin_available": true,
- "security_plugin_enabled": true
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
admin_password required | string [ 8 .. 256 ] characters os-sec-admin password |
{- "admin_password": "stringst"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "security_plugin_admin_enabled": true,
- "security_plugin_available": true,
- "security_plugin_enabled": true
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
repository_name required | string Repository name |
snapshot_name required | string Snapshot name |
ignore_unavailable | boolean Ignore indices that do not exist |
include_global_state | boolean Include global state |
indices required | string <= 4096 characters Comma separated list of index patterns to snapshot |
partial | boolean Allow partial snapshots |
{- "ignore_unavailable": true,
- "include_global_state": true,
- "indices": "string",
- "partial": true
{- "accepted": true,
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
repository_name required | string Repository name |
snapshot_name required | string Snapshot name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "acknowledged": true,
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
repository_name required | string Repository name |
snapshot_name required | string Snapshot name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "snapshots": [
- {
- "snapshot": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
repository_name required | string Repository name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "snapshots": [
- {
- "snapshot": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
repository_name required | string Repository name |
snapshot_name required | string Snapshot name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "snapshots": [
- {
- "snapshot": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
repository_name required | string Repository name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "snapshots": [
- {
- "snapshot": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "repositories": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "settings": {
- "base_path": "string"
}, - "type": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "extensions": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- "string"
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 5000 ] Limit for number of results |
offset | integer >= 0 Offset for retrieved results based on sort order |
order_by | string (Order in which to sort retrieved results) <= 256 characters Sort order can be either asc or desc and multiple comma separated columns with their own order can be specified: :asc,:desc. Accepted sort columns are: blk_read_time, blk_write_time, calls, database_name, local_blks_dirtied, local_blks_hit, local_blks_read, local_blks_written, max_plan_time, max_time, mean_plan_time, mean_time, min_plan_time, min_time, query, queryid, rows, shared_blks_dirtied, shared_blks_hit, shared_blks_read, shared_blks_written, stddev_plan_time, stddev_time, temp_blks_read, temp_blks_written, total_plan_time, total_time, user_name, wal_bytes, wal_fpi, wal_records |
{- "limit": 1,
- "offset": 0,
- "order_by": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "queries": [
- {
- "blk_read_time": 0,
- "blk_write_time": 0,
- "calls": 0,
- "database_name": "string",
- "local_blks_dirtied": 0,
- "local_blks_hit": 0,
- "local_blks_read": 0,
- "local_blks_written": 0,
- "max_plan_time": 0,
- "max_time": 0,
- "mean_plan_time": 0,
- "mean_time": 0,
- "min_plan_time": 0,
- "min_time": 0,
- "query": "string",
- "queryid": 0,
- "rows": 0,
- "shared_blks_dirtied": 0,
- "shared_blks_hit": 0,
- "shared_blks_read": 0,
- "shared_blks_written": 0,
- "stddev_plan_time": 0,
- "stddev_time": 0,
- "temp_blks_read": 0,
- "temp_blks_written": 0,
- "total_plan_time": 0,
- "total_time": 0,
- "user_name": "string",
- "wal_bytes": "string",
- "wal_fpi": 0,
- "wal_records": 0
DEPRECATED: Use /project/$project/service/$service/pg/query/stats instead
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 5000 ] Limit for number of results |
offset | integer >= 0 Offset for retrieved results based on sort order |
order_by | string (Order in which to sort retrieved results) <= 256 characters Sort order can be either asc or desc and multiple comma separated columns with their own order can be specified: :asc,:desc. Accepted sort columns are: blk_read_time, blk_write_time, calls, database_name, local_blks_dirtied, local_blks_hit, local_blks_read, local_blks_written, max_plan_time, max_time, mean_plan_time, mean_time, min_plan_time, min_time, query, queryid, rows, shared_blks_dirtied, shared_blks_hit, shared_blks_read, shared_blks_written, stddev_plan_time, stddev_time, temp_blks_read, temp_blks_written, total_plan_time, total_time, user_name, wal_bytes, wal_fpi, wal_records |
{- "limit": 1,
- "offset": 0,
- "order_by": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "queries": [
- {
- "blk_read_time": 0,
- "blk_write_time": 0,
- "calls": 0,
- "database_name": "string",
- "local_blks_dirtied": 0,
- "local_blks_hit": 0,
- "local_blks_read": 0,
- "local_blks_written": 0,
- "max_plan_time": 0,
- "max_time": 0,
- "mean_plan_time": 0,
- "mean_time": 0,
- "min_plan_time": 0,
- "min_time": 0,
- "query": "string",
- "queryid": 0,
- "rows": 0,
- "shared_blks_dirtied": 0,
- "shared_blks_hit": 0,
- "shared_blks_read": 0,
- "shared_blks_written": 0,
- "stddev_plan_time": 0,
- "stddev_time": 0,
- "temp_blks_read": 0,
- "temp_blks_written": 0,
- "total_plan_time": 0,
- "total_time": 0,
- "user_name": "string",
- "wal_bytes": "string",
- "wal_fpi": 0,
- "wal_records": 0
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
database required | string <= 63 characters Service database name |
pool_mode | string Enum: "session" "transaction" "statement" PGBouncer pool mode |
pool_name required | string <= 63 characters Connection pool name |
pool_size | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Size of PGBouncer's PostgreSQL side connection pool |
username | string <= 64 characters Service username |
{- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_name": "string",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
pool_name required | string PgBouncer connection pool name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
pool_name required | string PgBouncer connection pool name |
database | string <= 63 characters Service database name |
pool_mode | string Enum: "session" "transaction" "statement" PGBouncer pool mode |
pool_size | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Size of PGBouncer's PostgreSQL side connection pool |
username | string <= 64 characters Service username |
{- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "current_cost": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "forecasted_cost": "string",
- "forecasted_rate": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "storage_usage_history": {
- "hourly": [
- {
- "estimated_cost": "string",
- "hour_start": "string",
- "peak_stored_bytes": 0
}, - "total_storage_usage": 0
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_types": {
- "alloydbomni": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "node_count": 1,
- "regions": { },
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
], - "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "cassandra": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "node_count": 1,
- "regions": { },
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
], - "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "clickhouse": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "node_count": 1,
- "regions": { },
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
], - "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "dragonfly": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "node_count": 1,
- "regions": { },
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
], - "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "elasticsearch": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "node_count": 1,
- "regions": { },
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
], - "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "flink": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "node_count": 1,
- "regions": { },
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
], - "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "grafana": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
- "node_count": 1,
- "regions": { },
- "service_plan": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "shard_count": 1
], - "user_config_schema": { }
}, - "influxdb": {
- "default_version": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "latest_available_version": "string",
- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
- "frequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "frequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
- "infrequent_oldest_age_minutes": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "max_count": 0,
- "recovery_mode": "basic"
}, - "max_memory_percent": 100,
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- "regions": { },
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- "service_plans": [
- {
- "backup_config": {
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- "infrequent_interval_minutes": 0,
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{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_versions": [
- {
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- "availability_end_time": "string",
- "availability_start_time": "string",
- "end_of_life_help_article_url": "string",
- "major_version": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "state": "available",
- "termination_time": "string",
- "upgrade_to_service_type": "string",
- "upgrade_to_version": "string",
- "upstream_end_of_life_time": "string"
tenant required | string Aiven tenant ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
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- "pg": [
- {
- "extensions": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- "string"
], - "version": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 500 ] How many log entries to receive at most |
offset | string <= 128 characters Opaque offset identifier |
sort_order | string Enum: "desc" "asc" Sort order for log messages |
{- "limit": 1,
- "offset": "string",
- "sort_order": "desc"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "first_log_offset": "string",
- "logs": [
- {
- "msg": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "unit": "string"
], - "message": "string",
- "offset": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "tags": { }
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service_name required | string Service name |
tags required | object Set of resource tags |
{- "tags": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
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tags required | object Set of resource tags |
{- "tags": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
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service_name required | string Service name |
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- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "event": "string",
- "node_name": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "severity": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
period | string Enum: "hour" "day" "week" "month" "year" Metrics time period |
{- "period": "hour"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "metrics": { }
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "backups": [
- {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pause_reason": "string",
- "paused": true,
- "region": "string"
], - "backup_name": "string",
- "backup_time": "string",
- "data_size": 0,
- "storage_location": "string",
- "tiered_storage_data_size": 0
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "pitr": {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pitr_range_end": "string",
- "pitr_range_start": "string",
- "region": "string"
], - "primary_region": {
- "pitr_range_end": "string",
- "pitr_range_start": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
pid | integer >= 0 Database server connection ID |
terminate | boolean Request immediate termination instead of soft cancel |
{- "pid": 0,
- "terminate": true
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "success": true
project required | string Project name |
cloud | string <= 256 characters Target cloud |
copy_tags | boolean If this is a forked service, copy tags from the source service. If request contains additional tags, the tags copied from source are updated with them. |
disk_space_mb | integer >= 0 Megabytes of disk space for data storage |
group_name | string <= 256 characters Service group name (DEPRECATED: do not use) |
object Automatic maintenance settings | |
plan required | string <= 128 characters Subscription plan |
project_vpc_id | string = 36 characters Project VPC ID |
Array of objects <= 64 items Service integrations to enable for the service. Some integration types affect how a service is created and they must be provided as part of the creation call instead of being defined later. | |
service_name required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Service name |
service_type required | string <= 64 characters Service type code |
static_ips | Array of strings <= 128 items Static IP addresses to associate with the service |
tags | object Set of resource tags |
Array of objects <= 10 items List of service technical email addresses | |
termination_protection | boolean Service is protected against termination and powering off |
user_config | object Service type-specific settings |
{- "cloud": "string",
- "copy_tags": true,
- "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "group_name": "string",
- "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst"
}, - "plan": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "service_integrations": [
- {
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "integration_type": "alertmanager",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "user_config": { }
], - "service_name": "string",
- "service_type": "string",
- "static_ips": [
- "string"
], - "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "user_config": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service": {
- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "backups": [
- {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pause_reason": "string",
- "paused": true,
- "region": "string"
], - "backup_name": "string",
- "backup_time": "string",
- "data_size": 0,
- "storage_location": "string",
- "tiered_storage_data_size": 0
], - "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "components": [
- {
- "component": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "kafka_authentication_method": "certificate",
- "kafka_ssl_ca": "project_ca",
- "path": "string",
- "port": 65535,
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "route": "dynamic",
- "ssl": true,
- "usage": "disaster_recovery"
], - "connection_info": { },
- "connection_pools": [
- {
- "connection_uri": "string",
- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_name": "string",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "databases": [
- "string"
], - "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "features": { },
- "group_list": [
- "string"
], - "kafka_acl": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
], - "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst",
- "updates": [
- {
- "deadline": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "documentation_link": "string",
- "impact": "string",
- "impact_portable_text": "string",
- "start_after": "string",
- "start_at": "string"
}, - "metadata": { },
- "node_count": 0,
- "node_cpu_count": 0,
- "node_memory_mb": 0,
- "node_states": [
- {
- "availability_zone": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "progress_updates": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "current": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "min": 0,
- "phase": "prepare",
- "unit": "binlogs"
], - "role": "master",
- "shard": {
- "name": "string",
- "position": 0
}, - "state": "leaving"
], - "plan": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "schema_registry_acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "server_group": {
- "enabled": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "service_integrations": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
], - "service_name": "string",
- "service_notifications": [
- {
- "level": "notice",
- "message": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "end_of_life_help_article_url": "string",
- "end_of_life_policy_url": "string",
- "service_end_of_life_time": "string",
- "upgrade_to_service_type": "string",
- "upgrade_to_version": "string"
}, - "type": "service_end_of_life"
], - "service_type": "string",
- "service_type_description": "string",
- "service_uri": "string",
- "service_uri_params": { },
- "state": "POWEROFF",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "topics": [
- {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "topic_name": "string"
], - "update_time": "string",
- "user_config": { },
- "users": [
- {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "access_key": "string",
- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "services": [
- {
- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "backups": [
- {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pause_reason": "string",
- "paused": true,
- "region": "string"
], - "backup_name": "string",
- "backup_time": "string",
- "data_size": 0,
- "storage_location": "string",
- "tiered_storage_data_size": 0
], - "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "components": [
- {
- "component": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "kafka_authentication_method": "certificate",
- "kafka_ssl_ca": "project_ca",
- "path": "string",
- "port": 65535,
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "route": "dynamic",
- "ssl": true,
- "usage": "disaster_recovery"
], - "connection_info": { },
- "connection_pools": [
- {
- "connection_uri": "string",
- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_name": "string",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "databases": [
- "string"
], - "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "features": { },
- "group_list": [
- "string"
], - "kafka_acl": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
], - "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst",
- "updates": [
- {
- "deadline": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "documentation_link": "string",
- "impact": "string",
- "impact_portable_text": "string",
- "start_after": "string",
- "start_at": "string"
}, - "metadata": { },
- "node_count": 0,
- "node_cpu_count": 0,
- "node_memory_mb": 0,
- "node_states": [
- {
- "availability_zone": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "progress_updates": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "current": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "min": 0,
- "phase": "prepare",
- "unit": "binlogs"
], - "role": "master",
- "shard": {
- "name": "string",
- "position": 0
}, - "state": "leaving"
], - "plan": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "schema_registry_acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "server_group": {
- "enabled": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "service_integrations": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
], - "service_name": "string",
- "service_notifications": [
- {
- "level": "notice",
- "message": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "end_of_life_help_article_url": "string",
- "end_of_life_policy_url": "string",
- "service_end_of_life_time": "string",
- "upgrade_to_service_type": "string",
- "upgrade_to_version": "string"
}, - "type": "service_end_of_life"
], - "service_type": "string",
- "service_type_description": "string",
- "service_uri": "string",
- "service_uri_params": { },
- "state": "POWEROFF",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "topics": [
- {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "topic_name": "string"
], - "update_time": "string",
- "user_config": { },
- "users": [
- {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "access_key": "string",
- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
database required | string <= 40 characters Service database name |
lc_collate | string <= 128 characters Default string sort order (LC_COLLATE) for PostgreSQL database |
lc_ctype | string <= 128 characters Default character classification (LC_CTYPE) for PostgreSQL database |
{- "database": "string",
- "lc_collate": "string",
- "lc_ctype": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "databases": [
- {
- "database_name": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
dbname required | string DatabaseName |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
include_secrets | boolean Explicitly indicates that the client wants to read secrets that might be returned by this endpoint. |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', qs: {include_secrets: 'SOME_BOOLEAN_VALUE'}, headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service": {
- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "backups": [
- {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pause_reason": "string",
- "paused": true,
- "region": "string"
], - "backup_name": "string",
- "backup_time": "string",
- "data_size": 0,
- "storage_location": "string",
- "tiered_storage_data_size": 0
], - "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "components": [
- {
- "component": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "kafka_authentication_method": "certificate",
- "kafka_ssl_ca": "project_ca",
- "path": "string",
- "port": 65535,
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "route": "dynamic",
- "ssl": true,
- "usage": "disaster_recovery"
], - "connection_info": { },
- "connection_pools": [
- {
- "connection_uri": "string",
- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_name": "string",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "databases": [
- "string"
], - "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "features": { },
- "group_list": [
- "string"
], - "kafka_acl": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
], - "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst",
- "updates": [
- {
- "deadline": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "documentation_link": "string",
- "impact": "string",
- "impact_portable_text": "string",
- "start_after": "string",
- "start_at": "string"
}, - "metadata": { },
- "node_count": 0,
- "node_cpu_count": 0,
- "node_memory_mb": 0,
- "node_states": [
- {
- "availability_zone": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "progress_updates": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "current": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "min": 0,
- "phase": "prepare",
- "unit": "binlogs"
], - "role": "master",
- "shard": {
- "name": "string",
- "position": 0
}, - "state": "leaving"
], - "plan": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "schema_registry_acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "server_group": {
- "enabled": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "service_integrations": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
], - "service_name": "string",
- "service_notifications": [
- {
- "level": "notice",
- "message": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "end_of_life_help_article_url": "string",
- "end_of_life_policy_url": "string",
- "service_end_of_life_time": "string",
- "upgrade_to_service_type": "string",
- "upgrade_to_version": "string"
}, - "type": "service_end_of_life"
], - "service_type": "string",
- "service_type_description": "string",
- "service_uri": "string",
- "service_uri_params": { },
- "state": "POWEROFF",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "topics": [
- {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "topic_name": "string"
], - "update_time": "string",
- "user_config": { },
- "users": [
- {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "access_key": "string",
- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
allow_unclean_poweroff | boolean Default: true Allows or disallows powering off a service if some WAL segments are not available for a future restoration of the service, which might result in data loss when powering the service back on |
cloud | string <= 256 characters Target cloud |
disk_space_mb | integer >= 0 Megabytes of disk space for data storage |
group_name | string <= 256 characters Service group name (DEPRECATED: do not use) |
karapace | boolean Switch the service to use Karapace for schema registry and REST proxy |
object Automatic maintenance settings | |
plan | string <= 128 characters Subscription plan |
powered | boolean Power-on the service (true) or power-off (false) |
project_vpc_id | string = 36 characters Project VPC ID |
schema_registry_authz | boolean Enable or disable Schema Registry authorization |
Array of objects <= 10 items List of service technical email addresses | |
termination_protection | boolean Service is protected against termination and powering off |
user_config | object Service type-specific settings |
{- "cloud": "string",
- "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "group_name": "string",
- "karapace": true,
- "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst"
}, - "plan": "string",
- "powered": true,
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "schema_registry_authz": true,
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "user_config": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service": {
- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "backups": [
- {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pause_reason": "string",
- "paused": true,
- "region": "string"
], - "backup_name": "string",
- "backup_time": "string",
- "data_size": 0,
- "storage_location": "string",
- "tiered_storage_data_size": 0
], - "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "components": [
- {
- "component": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "kafka_authentication_method": "certificate",
- "kafka_ssl_ca": "project_ca",
- "path": "string",
- "port": 65535,
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "route": "dynamic",
- "ssl": true,
- "usage": "disaster_recovery"
], - "connection_info": { },
- "connection_pools": [
- {
- "connection_uri": "string",
- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_name": "string",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "databases": [
- "string"
], - "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "features": { },
- "group_list": [
- "string"
], - "kafka_acl": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
], - "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst",
- "updates": [
- {
- "deadline": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "documentation_link": "string",
- "impact": "string",
- "impact_portable_text": "string",
- "start_after": "string",
- "start_at": "string"
}, - "metadata": { },
- "node_count": 0,
- "node_cpu_count": 0,
- "node_memory_mb": 0,
- "node_states": [
- {
- "availability_zone": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "progress_updates": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "current": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "min": 0,
- "phase": "prepare",
- "unit": "binlogs"
], - "role": "master",
- "shard": {
- "name": "string",
- "position": 0
}, - "state": "leaving"
], - "plan": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "schema_registry_acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "server_group": {
- "enabled": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "service_integrations": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
], - "service_name": "string",
- "service_notifications": [
- {
- "level": "notice",
- "message": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "end_of_life_help_article_url": "string",
- "end_of_life_policy_url": "string",
- "service_end_of_life_time": "string",
- "upgrade_to_service_type": "string",
- "upgrade_to_version": "string"
}, - "type": "service_end_of_life"
], - "service_type": "string",
- "service_type_description": "string",
- "service_uri": "string",
- "service_uri_params": { },
- "state": "POWEROFF",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "topics": [
- {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "topic_name": "string"
], - "update_time": "string",
- "user_config": { },
- "users": [
- {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "access_key": "string",
- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "until": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "migration": {
- "error": "string",
- "master_last_io_seconds_ago": 0,
- "master_link_status": "up",
- "method": "",
- "status": "done"
}, - "migration_detail": [
- {
- "dbname": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "method": "",
- "status": "done"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "db_stats": { },
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
ca_name required | string CA name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "certificate": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
keypair_name required | string Keypair name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "certificate": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "key": "string",
- "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'PUT', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
period | string Enum: "hour" "day" "week" "month" "year" Metrics time period |
{- "period": "hour"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "metrics": { }
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "connections": [
- {
- "dns_name": "string",
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "state": "pending-user-approval",
- "vpc_endpoint_id": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
principals required | Array of strings (ARN allowlist) [ 1 .. 16 ] items ARNs of principals allowed connecting to the service |
{- "principals": [
- "string"
{- "aws_service_id": "string",
- "aws_service_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "principals": [
- "string"
], - "state": "creating"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "aws_service_id": "string",
- "aws_service_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "principals": [
- "string"
], - "state": "creating"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "aws_service_id": "string",
- "aws_service_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "principals": [
- "string"
], - "state": "creating"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
principals required | Array of strings (ARN allowlist) [ 1 .. 16 ] items ARNs of principals allowed connecting to the service |
{- "principals": [
- "string"
{- "aws_service_id": "string",
- "aws_service_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "principals": [
- "string"
], - "state": "creating"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
privatelink_connection_id required | string Privatelink connection ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "private_endpoint_id": "string",
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "state": "pending-user-approval",
- "user_ip_address": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "connections": [
- {
- "private_endpoint_id": "string",
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "state": "pending-user-approval",
- "user_ip_address": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
privatelink_connection_id required | string Privatelink connection ID |
user_ip_address required | string <= 15 characters (Private) IP address of Privatelink endpoint |
{- "user_ip_address": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "private_endpoint_id": "string",
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "state": "pending-user-approval",
- "user_ip_address": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
user_subscription_ids required | Array of strings (Subscription ID allowlist) <= 16 items IDs of Azure subscriptions allowed to connect to the service |
{- "user_subscription_ids": [
- "string"
{- "azure_service_alias": "string",
- "azure_service_id": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "user_subscription_ids": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "azure_service_alias": "string",
- "azure_service_id": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "user_subscription_ids": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "azure_service_alias": "string",
- "azure_service_id": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "user_subscription_ids": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
user_subscription_ids required | Array of strings (Subscription ID allowlist) <= 16 items IDs of Azure subscriptions allowed to connect to the service |
{- "user_subscription_ids": [
- "string"
{- "azure_service_alias": "string",
- "azure_service_id": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "user_subscription_ids": [
- "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 5000 ] Limit for number of results |
offset | integer >= 0 Offset for retrieved results based on sort order |
order_by | string (Order in which to sort retrieved results) <= 256 characters Sort order can be either asc or desc and multiple comma separated columns with their own order can be specified: :asc,:desc. |
{- "limit": 1,
- "offset": 0,
- "order_by": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "queries": [
- {
- "active_channel_subscriptions": 0,
- "active_database": "string",
- "active_pattern_matching_channel_subscriptions": 0,
- "application_name": "string",
- "backend_start": "string",
- "backend_type": "string",
- "backend_xid": 0,
- "backend_xmin": 0,
- "client_addr": "string",
- "client_hostname": "string",
- "client_port": 65536,
- "connection_age_seconds": 0,
- "connection_idle_seconds": 0,
- "datid": 0,
- "datname": "string",
- "flags": [
- "string"
], - "flags_raw": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "leader_pid": 0,
- "multi_exec_commands": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "output_buffer": 0,
- "output_buffer_memory": 0,
- "output_list_length": 0,
- "pid": 0,
- "query": "string",
- "query_buffer": 0,
- "query_buffer_free": 0,
- "query_duration": 0,
- "query_id": 0,
- "query_start": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "state_change": "string",
- "usename": "string",
- "usesysid": 0,
- "wait_event": "string",
- "wait_event_type": "string",
- "waiting": true,
- "xact_start": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'PUT', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "queries": [
- { }
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
service_type required | string <= 64 characters Service type code |
{- "service_type": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service": {
- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "backups": [
- {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pause_reason": "string",
- "paused": true,
- "region": "string"
], - "backup_name": "string",
- "backup_time": "string",
- "data_size": 0,
- "storage_location": "string",
- "tiered_storage_data_size": 0
], - "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "components": [
- {
- "component": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "kafka_authentication_method": "certificate",
- "kafka_ssl_ca": "project_ca",
- "path": "string",
- "port": 65535,
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "route": "dynamic",
- "ssl": true,
- "usage": "disaster_recovery"
], - "connection_info": { },
- "connection_pools": [
- {
- "connection_uri": "string",
- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_name": "string",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "databases": [
- "string"
], - "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "features": { },
- "group_list": [
- "string"
], - "kafka_acl": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
], - "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst",
- "updates": [
- {
- "deadline": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "documentation_link": "string",
- "impact": "string",
- "impact_portable_text": "string",
- "start_after": "string",
- "start_at": "string"
}, - "metadata": { },
- "node_count": 0,
- "node_cpu_count": 0,
- "node_memory_mb": 0,
- "node_states": [
- {
- "availability_zone": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "progress_updates": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "current": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "min": 0,
- "phase": "prepare",
- "unit": "binlogs"
], - "role": "master",
- "shard": {
- "name": "string",
- "position": 0
}, - "state": "leaving"
], - "plan": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "schema_registry_acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "server_group": {
- "enabled": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "service_integrations": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
], - "service_name": "string",
- "service_notifications": [
- {
- "level": "notice",
- "message": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "end_of_life_help_article_url": "string",
- "end_of_life_policy_url": "string",
- "service_end_of_life_time": "string",
- "upgrade_to_service_type": "string",
- "upgrade_to_version": "string"
}, - "type": "service_end_of_life"
], - "service_type": "string",
- "service_type_description": "string",
- "service_uri": "string",
- "service_uri_params": { },
- "state": "POWEROFF",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "topics": [
- {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "topic_name": "string"
], - "update_time": "string",
- "user_config": { },
- "users": [
- {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "access_key": "string",
- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
object Payload to be used with create_user_backup | |
object Payload to be used with dataset_import | |
object Payload to be used with migration_check | |
target_version | string Enum: "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" Target version used with upgrade_check |
task_type required | string Enum: "upgrade_check" "migration_check" "dataset_import" "create_user_backup" Service task type |
{- "create_user_backup": {
- "backup_name": "string"
}, - "dataset_import": {
- "dataset_name": "pagila"
}, - "migration_check": {
- "ignore_dbs": "string",
- "ignore_roles": "string",
- "method": "dump",
- "source_project_name": "string",
- "source_service_name": "string",
- "source_service_uri": "string"
}, - "target_version": "13",
- "task_type": "upgrade_check"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "task": {
- "create_time": "string",
- "result": "string",
- "result_codes": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "dbname": "string"
], - "success": true,
- "task_id": "string",
- "task_type": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
task_id required | string Service task |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "task": {
- "create_time": "string",
- "result": "string",
- "result_codes": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "dbname": "string"
], - "success": true,
- "task_id": "string",
- "task_type": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
object (Service specific access controls for user) Service type specific access control rules for user. Currently only used for configuring user ACLs for Redis version 6 and above. | |
authentication | string (Authentication details) Enum: "null" "caching_sha2_password" "mysql_native_password" Service specific authentication details. Currently only used for MySQL where accepted options are 'mysql_native_password' and 'caching_sha2_password', latter being default when this is not explicitly set. |
username required | string <= 64 characters Service username |
{- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "authentication": "null",
- "username": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "user": {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "access_key": "string",
- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
service_username required | string Service username |
object (Service specific access controls for user) Service type specific access control rules for user. Currently only used for configuring user ACLs for Redis version 6 and above. | |
authentication | string (Authentication details) Enum: "null" "caching_sha2_password" "mysql_native_password" Service specific authentication details. Currently only used for MySQL where accepted options are 'mysql_native_password' and 'caching_sha2_password', latter being default when this is not explicitly set. |
new_password | string [ 8 .. 256 ] characters New password |
operation required | string Enum: "acknowledge-renewal" "reset-credentials" "set-access-control" Operation type |
{- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "authentication": "null",
- "new_password": "stringst",
- "operation": "acknowledge-renewal"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service": {
- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "backups": [
- {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pause_reason": "string",
- "paused": true,
- "region": "string"
], - "backup_name": "string",
- "backup_time": "string",
- "data_size": 0,
- "storage_location": "string",
- "tiered_storage_data_size": 0
], - "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "components": [
- {
- "component": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "kafka_authentication_method": "certificate",
- "kafka_ssl_ca": "project_ca",
- "path": "string",
- "port": 65535,
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "route": "dynamic",
- "ssl": true,
- "usage": "disaster_recovery"
], - "connection_info": { },
- "connection_pools": [
- {
- "connection_uri": "string",
- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_name": "string",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "databases": [
- "string"
], - "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "features": { },
- "group_list": [
- "string"
], - "kafka_acl": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
], - "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst",
- "updates": [
- {
- "deadline": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "documentation_link": "string",
- "impact": "string",
- "impact_portable_text": "string",
- "start_after": "string",
- "start_at": "string"
}, - "metadata": { },
- "node_count": 0,
- "node_cpu_count": 0,
- "node_memory_mb": 0,
- "node_states": [
- {
- "availability_zone": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "progress_updates": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "current": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "min": 0,
- "phase": "prepare",
- "unit": "binlogs"
], - "role": "master",
- "shard": {
- "name": "string",
- "position": 0
}, - "state": "leaving"
], - "plan": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "schema_registry_acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "server_group": {
- "enabled": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "service_integrations": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
], - "service_name": "string",
- "service_notifications": [
- {
- "level": "notice",
- "message": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "end_of_life_help_article_url": "string",
- "end_of_life_policy_url": "string",
- "service_end_of_life_time": "string",
- "upgrade_to_service_type": "string",
- "upgrade_to_version": "string"
}, - "type": "service_end_of_life"
], - "service_type": "string",
- "service_type_description": "string",
- "service_uri": "string",
- "service_uri_params": { },
- "state": "POWEROFF",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "topics": [
- {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "topic_name": "string"
], - "update_time": "string",
- "user_config": { },
- "users": [
- {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
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- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
service_username required | string Service username |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
service_username required | string Service username |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "user": {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "access_key": "string",
- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
service_username required | string Service username |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'PUT', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service": {
- "acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "admin",
- "topic": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "backups": [
- {
- "additional_regions": [
- {
- "cloud": "string",
- "pause_reason": "string",
- "paused": true,
- "region": "string"
], - "backup_name": "string",
- "backup_time": "string",
- "data_size": 0,
- "storage_location": "string",
- "tiered_storage_data_size": 0
], - "cloud_description": "string",
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "components": [
- {
- "component": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "kafka_authentication_method": "certificate",
- "kafka_ssl_ca": "project_ca",
- "path": "string",
- "port": 65535,
- "privatelink_connection_id": "string",
- "route": "dynamic",
- "ssl": true,
- "usage": "disaster_recovery"
], - "connection_info": { },
- "connection_pools": [
- {
- "connection_uri": "string",
- "database": "string",
- "pool_mode": "session",
- "pool_name": "string",
- "pool_size": 1,
- "username": "string"
], - "create_time": "string",
- "databases": [
- "string"
], - "disk_space_mb": 0,
- "features": { },
- "group_list": [
- "string"
], - "kafka_acl": [
- {
- "host": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "operation": "All",
- "pattern_type": "LITERAL",
- "permission_type": "ALLOW",
- "principal": "string",
- "resource_name": "string",
- "resource_type": "Cluster"
], - "maintenance": {
- "dow": "monday",
- "time": "stringst",
- "updates": [
- {
- "deadline": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "documentation_link": "string",
- "impact": "string",
- "impact_portable_text": "string",
- "start_after": "string",
- "start_at": "string"
}, - "metadata": { },
- "node_count": 0,
- "node_cpu_count": 0,
- "node_memory_mb": 0,
- "node_states": [
- {
- "availability_zone": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "progress_updates": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "current": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "min": 0,
- "phase": "prepare",
- "unit": "binlogs"
], - "role": "master",
- "shard": {
- "name": "string",
- "position": 0
}, - "state": "leaving"
], - "plan": "string",
- "project_vpc_id": "stringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "schema_registry_acl": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "permission": "schema_registry_read",
- "resource": "string",
- "username": "string"
], - "server_group": {
- "enabled": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "service_integrations": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
], - "service_name": "string",
- "service_notifications": [
- {
- "level": "notice",
- "message": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "end_of_life_help_article_url": "string",
- "end_of_life_policy_url": "string",
- "service_end_of_life_time": "string",
- "upgrade_to_service_type": "string",
- "upgrade_to_version": "string"
}, - "type": "service_end_of_life"
], - "service_type": "string",
- "service_type_description": "string",
- "service_uri": "string",
- "service_uri_params": { },
- "state": "POWEROFF",
- "tags": { },
- "tech_emails": [
- {
- "email": "string"
], - "termination_protection": true,
- "topics": [
- {
- "cleanup_policy": "string",
- "min_insync_replicas": 1,
- "partitions": 1,
- "replication": 1,
- "retention_bytes": 0,
- "retention_hours": 2562047788015,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "topic_name": "string"
], - "update_time": "string",
- "user_config": { },
- "users": [
- {
- "access_cert": "string",
- "access_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "access_control": {
- "dragonfly_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "dragonfly_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "m3_group": "string",
- "pg_allow_replication": true,
- "redis_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "redis_acl_keys": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_categories": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_channels": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_commands": [
- "string"
], - "valkey_acl_keys": [
- "string"
}, - "access_key": "string",
- "authentication": "null",
- "expiring_cert_not_valid_after_time": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "username": "string"
project required | string Project name |
dest_endpoint_id | string <= 36 characters Integration destination endpoint ID |
dest_project | string (Destination project name) <= 63 characters Defaults to project in the request path |
dest_service | string <= 64 characters Destination service name |
integration_type required | string Enum: "alertmanager" "application_service_credential" "autoscaler" "caching" "cassandra_cross_service_cluster" "clickhouse_credentials" "clickhouse_kafka" "clickhouse_postgresql" "dashboard" "datadog" "datasource" "disaster_recovery" "external_aws_cloudwatch_logs" "external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics" "external_elasticsearch_logs" "external_google_cloud_logging" "external_opensearch_logs" "flink" "flink_external_bigquery" "flink_external_kafka" "flink_external_postgresql" "internal_connectivity" "jolokia" "kafka_connect" "kafka_connect_postgresql" "kafka_logs" "kafka_mirrormaker" "logs" "m3aggregator" "m3coordinator" "metrics" "opensearch_cross_cluster_replication" "opensearch_cross_cluster_search" "prometheus" "read_replica" "rsyslog" "schema_registry_proxy" "stresstester" "thanos_distributed_query" "thanos_migrate" "thanoscompactor" "thanosquery" "thanosruler" "thanosstore" "vector" "vmalert" Service integration type |
source_endpoint_id | string <= 36 characters Integration source endpoint ID |
source_project | string (Source project name) <= 63 characters Defaults to project in the request path |
source_service | string <= 64 characters Source service name |
user_config | object Service type-specific settings |
{- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "integration_type": "alertmanager",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "user_config": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_integration": {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
project required | string Project name |
integration_id required | string Integration ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
integration_id required | string Integration ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_integration": {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
project required | string Project name |
integration_id required | string Integration ID |
user_config required | object Service integration settings |
{- "user_config": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_integration": {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
project required | string Project name |
endpoint_name required | string [ 1 .. 40 ] characters Integration endpoint name |
endpoint_type required | string Enum: "autoscaler" "datadog" "external_aws_cloudwatch_logs" "external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics" "external_aws_s3" "external_azure_blob_storage" "external_clickhouse" "external_elasticsearch_logs" "external_google_cloud_bigquery" "external_google_cloud_logging" "external_kafka" "external_mysql" "external_opensearch_logs" "external_postgresql" "external_prometheus" "external_redis" "external_schema_registry" "external_sumologic_logs" "jolokia" "prometheus" "rsyslog" Service integration endpoint type |
user_config required | object Service integration endpoint settings |
{- "endpoint_name": "string",
- "endpoint_type": "autoscaler",
- "user_config": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_integration_endpoint": {
- "endpoint_config": { },
- "endpoint_id": "string",
- "endpoint_name": "string",
- "endpoint_type": "autoscaler",
- "user_config": { }
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_integration_endpoints": [
- {
- "endpoint_config": { },
- "endpoint_id": "string",
- "endpoint_name": "string",
- "endpoint_type": "autoscaler",
- "user_config": { }
project required | string Project name |
integration_endpoint_id required | string Endpoint ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
integration_endpoint_id required | string Endpoint ID |
include_secrets | boolean Explicitly indicates that the client wants to read secrets that might be returned by this endpoint. |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', qs: {include_secrets: 'SOME_BOOLEAN_VALUE'}, headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_integration_endpoint": {
- "endpoint_config": { },
- "endpoint_id": "string",
- "endpoint_name": "string",
- "endpoint_type": "autoscaler",
- "user_config": { }
project required | string Project name |
integration_endpoint_id required | string Endpoint ID |
user_config required | object Service integration endpoint settings |
{- "user_config": { }
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_integration_endpoint": {
- "endpoint_config": { },
- "endpoint_id": "string",
- "endpoint_name": "string",
- "endpoint_type": "autoscaler",
- "user_config": { }
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "endpoint_types": [
- {
- "endpoint_type": "string",
- "service_types": [
- "string"
], - "title": "string",
- "user_config_schema": { }
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
service_name required | string Service name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "service_integrations": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "dest_endpoint": "string",
- "dest_endpoint_id": "string",
- "dest_project": "string",
- "dest_service": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "integration_status": {
- "state": {
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "likely_error_cause": "null",
- "nodes": { },
- "status": "failed"
}, - "status_user_desc": "string"
}, - "integration_type": "string",
- "service_integration_id": "string",
- "source_endpoint": "string",
- "source_endpoint_id": "string",
- "source_project": "string",
- "source_service": "string",
- "source_service_type": "string",
- "user_config": { }
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "integration_types": [
- {
- "dest_description": "string",
- "dest_service_type": "string",
- "dest_service_types": [
- "string"
], - "integration_type": "string",
- "source_description": "string",
- "source_service_types": [
- "string"
], - "user_config_schema": { }
], - "message": "string"
project required | string Project name |
static_ip_address_id required | string Static IP address identifier |
service_name required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Service name |
{- "service_name": "string"
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "ip_address": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "static_ip_address_id": "string",
- "termination_protection": true
project required | string Project name |
static_ip_address_id required | string Static IP address identifier |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "ip_address": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "static_ip_address_id": "string",
- "termination_protection": true
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "static_ip_address_availability": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "price_usd": "string"
project required | string Project name |
static_ip_address_id required | string Static IP address identifier |
termination_protection | boolean Static IP address is protected against deletion |
{- "termination_protection": true
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "ip_address": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "static_ip_address_id": "string",
- "termination_protection": true
project required | string Project name |
static_ip_address_id required | string Static IP address identifier |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "ip_address": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "static_ip_address_id": "string",
- "termination_protection": true
project required | string Project name |
cloud_name required | string <= 256 characters Target cloud |
termination_protection | boolean Static IP address is protected against deletion |
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "termination_protection": true
{- "cloud_name": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "ip_address": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "static_ip_address_id": "string",
- "termination_protection": true
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "static_ips": [
- {
- "cloud_name": "string",
- "ip_address": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "state": "creating",
- "static_ip_address_id": "string",
- "termination_protection": true
DEPRECATED: Support tickets have been moved to
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "tickets": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "followers": [
- {
- "real_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
], - "following": true,
- "organization_id": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "severity": "critical",
- "state": "closed",
- "submitter": {
- "real_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "ticket_id": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_real_name": "string"
DEPRECATED: Support tickets have been moved to
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "ticket": {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "followers": [
- {
- "real_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
], - "following": true,
- "organization_id": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "severity": "critical",
- "state": "closed",
- "submitter": {
- "real_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "ticket_id": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_real_name": "string"
DEPRECATED: Support tickets have been moved to
project required | string Project name |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "tickets": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "followers": [
- {
- "real_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
], - "following": true,
- "organization_id": "string",
- "project_name": "string",
- "service_name": "string",
- "severity": "critical",
- "state": "closed",
- "submitter": {
- "real_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "ticket_id": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_real_name": "string"
DEPRECATED: Support tickets have been moved to
project required | string Project name |
ticket_id required | string Ticket ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
description required | string <= 1000 characters Name / description of an access token |
extend_when_used | boolean Extend token expiration time when token is used. Only applicable if max_age_seconds is specified. |
ip_allowlist | Array of strings <= 100 items List of allowed IP ranges |
max_age_seconds | number [ 600 .. 315360000 ] Time the token remains valid since creation (or since last use if extend_when_used is true) |
scopes | Array of strings <= 100 items Scopes this token is restricted to, if specified |
{- "description": "string",
- "extend_when_used": true,
- "ip_allowlist": [
- "string"
], - "max_age_seconds": 600,
- "scopes": [
- "string"
{- "create_time": "string",
- "created_manually": true,
- "currently_active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "expiry_time": "string",
- "extend_when_used": true,
- "full_token": "string",
- "ip_allowlist": [
- "string"
], - "last_ip": "string",
- "last_used_time": "string",
- "last_user_agent": "string",
- "last_user_agent_human_readable": "string",
- "max_age_seconds": 600,
- "message": "string",
- "scopes": [
- "string"
], - "token_prefix": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "tokens": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "created_manually": true,
- "currently_active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "expiry_time": "string",
- "extend_when_used": true,
- "ip_allowlist": [
- "string"
], - "last_ip": "string",
- "last_used_time": "string",
- "last_user_agent": "string",
- "last_user_agent_human_readable": "string",
- "max_age_seconds": 600,
- "scopes": [
- "string"
], - "token_prefix": "string"
token_prefix required | string Access token prefix |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
token_prefix required | string Access token prefix |
description required | string <= 1000 characters Name / description of an access token |
{- "description": "string"
{- "create_time": "string",
- "created_manually": true,
- "currently_active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "expiry_time": "string",
- "extend_when_used": true,
- "ip_allowlist": [
- "string"
], - "last_ip": "string",
- "last_used_time": "string",
- "last_user_agent": "string",
- "last_user_agent_human_readable": "string",
- "max_age_seconds": 600,
- "message": "string",
- "scopes": [
- "string"
], - "token_prefix": "string"
new_password required | string <= 256 characters New password |
old_password required | string <= 256 characters User password |
{- "new_password": "string",
- "old_password": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "password_strength": {
- "is_acceptable": true,
- "message": "string",
- "score": 4
string <= 319 characters User email address | |
password required | string <= 256 characters New password |
real_name | string <= 256 characters User real name |
{- "email": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "real_name": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "password_strength": {
- "is_acceptable": true,
- "message": "string",
- "score": 4
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "user_groups": [
- {
- "create_time": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_group_id": "string",
- "user_group_name": "string"
[EXPERIMENTAL]: This endpoint is experimental. It may change or even disappear at any time. Do not rely on it for production purposes.
Returns a comprehensive list of resources within an organization, including units, projects, and the organization itself, along with the specific permissions assigned to the user for each resource.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "permissions": [
- {
- "permissions": [
- "string"
], - "resource_id": "string",
- "resource_type": "project"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "authentication_methods": [
- {
- "is_enabled_2fa": true,
- "last_used_time": "string",
- "local_provider_id": "string",
- "method_id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "organization_id": "string",
- "remote_provider_id": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "user_email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "cannot_remove_managed_users_from_organization"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "is_super_admin": true,
- "join_time": "string",
- "last_activity_time": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "user_info": {
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "is_application_user": true,
- "job_title": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "managing_organization_id": "string",
- "real_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
city | string City |
country | string Country |
department | string Department |
is_super_admin | boolean Alters super admin state of the organization user |
job_title | string Job Title |
real_name | string <= 256 characters Real Name |
state | string (State of the user in the organization) Enum: "active" "deactivated" "deleted" An enumeration. |
{- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "is_super_admin": true,
- "job_title": "string",
- "real_name": "string",
- "state": "active"
{- "is_super_admin": true,
- "join_time": "string",
- "last_activity_time": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "user_info": {
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "is_application_user": true,
- "job_title": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "managing_organization_id": "string",
- "real_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "users": [
- {
- "is_super_admin": true,
- "join_time": "string",
- "last_activity_time": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "user_info": {
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "is_application_user": true,
- "job_title": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "managing_organization_id": "string",
- "real_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
token_prefix required | string Access token prefix |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
Returns tokens generated using general authentication methods or authentication methods linked to the organization.
organization_id required | string ID of an organization |
member_user_id required | string ID of the organization's user |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "tokens": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "ip_allowlist": [
- "string"
], - "last_ip": "string",
- "last_used_time": "string",
- "last_user_agent": "string",
- "token_prefix": "string"
method required | string <= 32 characters Two-factor authentication method being used, if any |
password required | string <= 256 characters Current password |
{- "method": "string",
- "password": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "method": "string",
- "qrcode": "string",
- "uri": "string"
otp required | string <= 6 characters One-time password |
password required | string <= 256 characters Current password |
uri required | string <= 2048 characters URI describing the TOTP |
{- "otp": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "uri": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "method": "string",
- "token": "string"
user_id required | string User ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "error_code": "cannot_delete_active_managed_users"
account_id required | string <= 36 characters Account ID |
team_id | string <= 32 characters Team ID |
{- "account_id": "string",
- "team_id": "string"
{- "account_invites": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "invited_by_user_email": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "account_invites": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "invited_by_user_email": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
account_id required | string <= 36 characters Account ID |
team_id required | string <= 32 characters Team ID |
{- "account_id": "string",
- "team_id": "string"
{- "account_invites": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_name": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "invited_by_user_email": "string",
- "team_id": "string",
- "team_name": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Authenticate user and return token for following authorizations
email required | string <= 319 characters User email address |
otp | string <= 6 characters One-time password |
password required | string <= 256 characters User password |
{- "email": "string",
- "otp": "string",
- "password": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "return_url": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "token": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
Get available user login options
string <= 319 characters User email address |
{- "email": "string"
{- "None": [
- { }
], - "action": "azure_oauth",
- "method": "POST",
- "name": "string",
- "redirect_url": "string"
user_authentication_method_id required | string User authentication method ID |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'DELETE', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "authentication_methods": [
- {
- "authentication_method_account_id": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "currently_active": true,
- "delete_time": "string",
- "last_used_time": "string",
- "method_id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "public_remote_identity": "string",
- "remote_provider_id": "string",
- "state": "active",
- "update_time": "string",
- "user_email": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
company | string <= 128 characters Name of a company |
country_code | string <= 2 characters Two letter country code for country |
credit_code | string <= 1024 characters Credit code |
email required | string <= 319 characters User email address |
email_communication_categories | Array of strings <= 3 items Categories of email communication enabled for user during signup |
origin | string <= 1024 characters Origin of the user |
password | string <= 256 characters User password |
real_name required | string <= 256 characters User real name |
state | string <= 128 characters Address state or province |
token | string <= 4096 characters Signup token for single sign-on linking |
{- "company": "string",
- "country_code": "st",
- "credit_code": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "email_communication_categories": [
- "string"
], - "origin": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "real_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "token": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "token": "string",
- "user": {
- "auth": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "features": { },
- "invitations": [
- {
- "invite_code": "string",
- "invite_time": "string",
- "inviting_user_email": "string",
- "project_name": "string"
], - "job_title": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "managing_organization_id": "string",
- "project_membership": {
- "ANY": "admin"
}, - "project_memberships": {
- "ANY": [
- "string"
}, - "projects": [
- "string"
], - "real_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "token_validity_begin": "string",
- "user": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "user_email": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "user": {
- "auth": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "features": { },
- "invitations": [
- {
- "invite_code": "string",
- "invite_time": "string",
- "inviting_user_email": "string",
- "project_name": "string"
], - "job_title": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "managing_organization_id": "string",
- "project_membership": {
- "ANY": "admin"
}, - "project_memberships": {
- "ANY": [
- "string"
}, - "projects": [
- "string"
], - "real_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "token_validity_begin": "string",
- "user": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
Updates details for the user. Returns user's updated information upon success.
city | string <= 256 characters City |
country | string <= 256 characters Country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 |
department | string <= 256 characters Job department |
job_title | string <= 256 characters Job title |
real_name required | string <= 256 characters User real name |
{- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "job_title": "string",
- "real_name": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "user": {
- "auth": [
- "string"
], - "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "create_time": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "features": { },
- "invitations": [
- {
- "invite_code": "string",
- "invite_time": "string",
- "inviting_user_email": "string",
- "project_name": "string"
], - "job_title": "string",
- "managed_by_scim": true,
- "managing_organization_id": "string",
- "project_membership": {
- "ANY": "admin"
}, - "project_memberships": {
- "ANY": [
- "string"
}, - "projects": [
- "string"
], - "real_name": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "token_validity_begin": "string",
- "user": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Sets a new password for the user. Immediately expires all existing authentication tokens.
new_password required | string <= 256 characters New password |
password required | string <= 256 characters Current password |
{- "new_password": "string",
- "password": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string",
- "token": "string"
verification_code required | string Verification code received via email |
new_password required | string <= 256 characters New password |
{- "new_password": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Request a password reset code to be sent to the user's email address.
email required | string <= 319 characters User email address |
{- "email": "string"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
Confirm user email address after user has received the confirm code via email.
verification_code required | string Verification code received via email |
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'POST', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "invite_details": {
- "user_email": "string"
}, - "message": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '' }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); });
{- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "more_info": "string",
- "status": 0
], - "message": "string"